Drawing by ME!!!

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LMELAO!! I thought it was a fish, too!! I want to see the Blackhawk!!

I used to draw drag-racers. :| OH just shut-it!!!! :lol:
Haven't any of you seen the new Jihadist Anti-Aircraft weapons system yet, the Asian Carpoon?
Just kidding you a bit B-17;)


  • jumping-carp.jpg
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Buck, do you know what that is?

They're counting some type of Asian fish that is a predator (the Great Lakes I think) and on the front of that boat is a large electric gizmo that is shocking the fish. Thats how they count them. Just saw a show about that last week!

nudes ...........wheres the nudes, we did that in school ...............

oh thats right your to young

albeit college days before Nam and other disappointments in ones life. I was a history/art major in college and knew more than some of the professors.

if I get brave enough I'll post some of my crap in college days, then again maybe I won't as this is B-17's thread, c'mon kid do a repost as I came on here late..........you just may be a rising star. Don't fear I'll be very subjective and will not cretique your work to death.

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