Duxford Battle of Britain airshow

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Got my flight and accommodations booked Gary. Alas, I was was hoping to get a gold pass for the weekend but they were sold out so I just got the 2 day standard pass.

Would be great to meet you and Tony there!

Anyone else going?
Let me know where you're all staying guys. I don't know if my legs will take all the standing / walking at the show itself, but I'll try to get down to at least meet up with you for a pint or six !
That would be bloody fantastic!

I'm staying at the Dorset House B&B about 4-5 miles from the museum arriving Friday night. Not sure how I'm getting there yet. Arriving at Heathrow at 11am Friday and need to catch a train, probably to Cambridge. I'm kinda loathe to drive since I'd be the only one driving on the correct side of the road!
Well, my shots were not that good, but are a record of sorts!!

We had 5 of the UK's 6 Hurris, 16 Spits, a rare performance by Spit XVI TE184....4 Hurris were awesome. It was great to meet up with Andy too,


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Cheers Guys!

I have just looked at the picture Gary put up of Andy, Gary et Moi and there appears to be an old lady about to push down a plunger and blow us all up lol!!!
Well, just got home tonight and checked out this thread. It was great to meet up with Gary and Tony, sorry to have not seen Terry or any of the rest of you lot. Thanks guys for showing me around and getting me in to the Friends of Duxford area. I guess my mug is now finally on this site! The old lady blowing us up is priceless. I thought she was actually powering up her cart to goose Tony.

After meeting the guys on Saturday, I attended Sunday's show as well. The weather was cooler and there was a stiff cross wind. On Gary's advice, I decided to park myself on "Tank Hill" for Sunday's show which turned out to be an excellent vantage point. Most of the show was run in overcast skies but then the sun broke out just as the Spits were taking to the field which was rather special I'd say.

On Monday, I headed up to Campbridge and had lunch and a couple of pints at the Eagle Pub which was a great experience as well. Made it back to my Hotel in London before just before the underground strike - whew!

Here's a sampling of some stuff Gary and Tony didn't throw up yet. The picture of Sally B landing shows the kind of wind the pilots were tackling. Enjoy!


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Great pics Andy ! Glad to see the weather stayed reasonable at worst, and sunny for some of the time. We here in the UK probably take it a little for granted, but I've always wanted to know how people from other countries feel about seeing all these wonderful WW2 aircraft perform, on a historic, WW2, RAF airfield, especially one as well documented and photographed as Duxford. Personally, when I'm there, I 'feel' the history and 'emotions' of the place - what did you think mate ?

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