Duxford "Meet the Fighters" airshow, Sept 10th & 11th, 2016.

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Thanks again chaps, and on with the show.

The Norwegian Air Force Historical Squadron provided the Cold War fighters display, with their Vampire FB52 and T55 aircraft, and the former Polish Air Force MiG 15 uti (Lim 2).
The MiG, in the markings of the aircraft flown by Yuri Gagarin when he was based near the Soviet / Norwegian border, 'attacked' the airfield, before being taken to task by the Vampires, but not before the MiG had got on the tail of one of them a couple of times.
Following a three-ship fly past, the Vampires then performed singleton and dual aerobatics, looking lovely in the bright sunshine.
Pics in two posts.

Great pictures , my friend.

A note though... the kind of a modified MiG-15bis was named SB Lim-2. It is the trainer-fighter version of the single-seater Lim-2. UTI MiG-15 was a training variant of the MiG-15.
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Thanks my friend - I just used Lim-2 for simplicity. This example is the same age as me, having been built in 1952 - but it performs better !!!
It's OK Pal. Just wanted to let know. The SB Lim-2 is confused with the UTI MiG-15 often. In fact the plane was a mix of the front part of the UTI MIG-15 with rear one of the Lim-2 ( licence MiG-15bis ) . The SB Lim-2 was powered by the Lis-2 jet engine ( licence WK-1). As a result the plane was much modern than the original UTI MiG-15.
Thanks again all.
Coming towards the end of the pics, but still more to come after the two Duxford residents, the Catalina, operated by Duxford-based 'Plane Sailing', and the well known B-17G 'Sally B' doing it's smoking thing.
As I have more shots of the B-17 than there are wrinkles on a Hippocroccofrog's Rs, I only took a few this time around, semi-concentrating on the more unusual angles, with a couple that could have been taken from a Messerschmitt or Focke Wulf.

More to follow soon, with the Spitfire Scramble and mass formation opposing tail chase, and the finale with the Scampton Darts Team.
Many thanks again chaps, glad you like the pics.
The penultimate display featured the Spitfire scramble, followed by the mass formation of 13 Spitfires and a Seafire, with the opposing 'tail chase', as the Spits criss-crossed the sky at high speed, the sound of various Merlins and a single Griffon being better than any symphony.
As there were other air shows and events taking place this weekend, not all of the available Spits took part, but with fourteen beautiful aircraft in the sky at once, there were no complaints from me, or the people around me.
I've seen, and photographed, the ever-increasing number of Spitfires many times over the past 30+ years, so this time, I mainly sat back and watched this beautiful display, occasionally concentrating on using the varied lighting to capture some shots.
This display is shown in two posts, and the finale, with the Red Arrows, will follow shortly.

Thanks Wojtek.

The finale was once again presented by the Scampton Darts Team, officially known as The Royal Air Force Aerobatic Team 'The Red Arrows', but I only took a few half-hearted shots, as my arms and neck were rather tired after lifting the cameras all day.
The final shot shows the rising moon as the show ended.
Thanks again to all for the compliments, and I hope you enjoyed this glimpse at Duxford's final show of the season.


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