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American John D Barringer Jr
Nationality: American
Service Number: O-763904
Highest Rank: First Lieutenant
Role/Job: Pilot
Awards: Purple Heart
Killed in Action (KIA) 26 November 1944 in B-24 42-50467

Augustine A Mandino 445th Bomb Group

B-24J-401-CF 42-50467 445th BG 701st Bombardment Squadron (H).

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As an eBay Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
Military/Civilian/Mascot: Military
Nationality: American
Unit: 445th Bomb Group 702nd Bomb Squadron
Service Numbers: T-125565
Highest Rank: Flight Officer
Krivik's crew. Killed in Action (KIA) 27 September 1944. Brought back to Tibenham (or England) from Kassel.

Donald Chace eBay: Airwar ww2 The Pilots.

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English John Henry Searby DFC DSO

Operation Hydra was an attack by RAF Bomber Command on a German scientific research centre at Peenemünde on the night of 17/18 August 1943. Group Captain John Searby, commanding officer of No. 83 Squadron RAF, commanded the operation, the first time that Bomber Command used a master bomber to direct the attack of the main force. Hydra began the Crossbow campaign against the German V-weapon programme.[2] The British lost 215 aircrew and 40 bombers, and killed several hundred enslaved workers in the nearby Trassenheide forced labour camp. The Luftwaffe lost twelve night-fighters and about 170 German civilians were killed, including two V-2 rocket scientists. Operation Hydra (1943) - Wikipedia

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