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Career Summaries - Luftwaffe Officers 1935 - 1945
Section S - Z
SCHROER, Werner. (DOB: 12.02.18 in Mülheim/Ruhr). (W.B.K. Oberhausen). (RES, DKG). Summer
1937 joined the Luftwaffe. 03.11.37 trf to 4./Flieger-Ers.Abt. 24 (Quakenbrück). 01.04.38 trf to FBK
Düsseldorf. 01.07.38 trf to 7./JG 234 (Düsseldorf). 13.08.38 trf to Fliegerhorst-Kp. Düsseldorf.
01.07.39 trf to II./JG 26 – Schulstaffel Düsseldorf. 01.09.39 trf to Aufkl.Fl.Schule Hildesheim,
Schülerkomp. 16.10.39 trf to Flugkommando 23. 16.05.40 trf to 1./JFS 1. 22.07.40 trf to Erg.JGr.
Merseburg. 23.08.40 trf to 2./JG 27. 01.10.40 promo to Lt.(01.03.41 as Kr.O.). 19.04.41 Lt., 1./JG 27
unhurt Bf 109 E-7 belly-landed vic Gazala. 21.04.41 Lt. in I./JG 27 WIA - Bf 109 E-7 (White 3) in a
collision during combat, crash landed at Ain-el-Gazala. 01.03.42 Adjutant I./JG 27 (to 30.06.42).
01.07.42 Oblt./Hptm., appt Staka 8./JG 27 (to 19.04.43). 10.08.42 awarded the Ehrenpokal. 09.09.42 Lt.,
awarded DKG, III./JG 27. 20.10.42 Lt., awarded Ritterkreuz, Stafü 8./JG 27. 01.11.42 promo to Oblt.
(Kr.O./Fl.). 01.02.43 promo to Hptm.(Kr.O.). 29.03.43 Hptm., appt acting Kdr. III./JG 27 (to 19.04.43).
20.04.43 Hptm., appt Kdr. II./JG 27 (to 13.03.44). 11.05.43 Hptm., Stab II./JG 27. 16.07.43 Hptm., Stab
II./JG 27. 02.08.43 Hptm., awarded Eichenlaub, Kdr. II./JG 27. 06.09.43 Hptm., Stab II./JG 27.
29.11.43 Hptm., Stab II./JG 27. 01.12.43 promo to Maj.(01.11.43 as Kr.O.). 07.01.44 Maj., Stab II./JG
27. 25.02.44 Maj., Stab II./JG 27. 14.03.44 Maj., Kdr. II./JG 27, appt Kdr. III./JG 54 (to 29.06.44).
29.6.44 trf to Frontflieger-Sammelgruppe Quedlinberg. 20.07.44 trf to
Verbandsführerlehrgang/Gen.d.Jagdflieger as Lehrgangsleiter (to 14.02.45). 04.08.44 shot down unhurt.
14.02.45 Maj., with, appt Kommodore JG 3 (to 08.05.45). 19.04.45 Maj., awarded Schwerter,
Kommodore JG 3. 05.45 became POW of the British. 02.46 released. Credited with 114 air victories in
only 197 combat missions. †10.02.85 in Ottobrunn/Bayern or possibly in Munich. For further reading
see: Schumann, Ralf. Ritterkreuzträger Werner Schroer Profile 15 (Stengelheim: Unitec, 2017) ISBN:


  1. Offz - S-Z Apr 2024.pdf
  2. 240 aviation art Luftwaffe pilot Werner Schroer JG 27 Knights Cross photo print | eBay
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Career Summaries - Luftwaffe Officers 1935 - 1945
Section G - K
GRAF, Hermann Anton. (DOB: 24.10.12 in Engen/Baden). (RESB). 1932 joined a glider flight group
near Darmstadt. 1933 joined the NSDAP. 1933 was NSDAP correspondent for the Bodensee
Rundschau (to 1938). 1935 entered the Luftwaffe. 02.06.36 with FFS Karlsruhe to begin flying
training (completed 25.09.36). 31.05.38 completed advanced flying training. 31.05.39 Uffz. trf to
2./JG 51. 09.39 promo to Fw. 20.01.40 trf to Erg.JGr. Merseburg as an instructor. 04.40 Fw.,
instructor in a Flugzeugführerschule, trf to JG 51. 01.05.40 promo to Lt.d.R. 06.10.40 trf to 9./JG
52. 07.41 trf to 2./JG 52. 04.08.41 trf to 9./JG 52. 1941 witnessed mass executions in Russia.
15.12.41 Lt., awarded the Ehrenpokal. 24.01.42 Lt., awarded Ritterkreuz, 9./JG 52. 04.03.42 appt
Staka 9./JG 52 (to 30.09.42). 08.05.42 Lt., 9./JG 52. 17.05.42 Lt., awarded Eichenlaub, Staka 9./JG
52. 19.05.42 Lt.(d.R.), awarded Schwerter and promo to Oblt.(d.R.), Staka 9./JG 52. 03.08.42 Oblt.,
9./JG 52. 27.08.42 Staka Kdo. Stalingrad (to 26.09.42). 02.09.42 Oblt., 9./JG 52. 16.09.42 Oblt.
(d.R.), awarded Brillanten, Staka 9./JG 52 and promo to Hptm. 23.09.42 Hptm., 9./JG 52 shot down
ten a/c this date. 01.10.42 promo to Maj.? [some confusion about promotion dates!] 01.02.43 Maj.,
appt Kdr. Erg.JGr. Ost (to 04.43). 04.43 appt Kommodore JG 50. 06.09.43 Maj., Stab/JGr. 50.
c.15.10.43 Maj., Kommodore JG 50, appt Kommodore JG 1 (to 10.11.43). 11.11.43 appt Kommodore
JG 11 (to 29.03.44 WIA). 10.02.44 Obstlt., Stab/JG 11. 29.03.44 Obstlt., Kommodore JG 11 WIA -
Bf 109 G-6 (Black <<-+ -) in combat with P-51s - crashed vic Gobing near S of Schwarmstedt, N of
Hannover, bailed out vic Schwarmstedt and in hospital for next 6 months - Bf 109 G-6 (< + ).
01.05.44 promo to Obstlt. 05.06.44 Obstlt., 7./JG 52. 01.10.44 Maj./Obstlt., appt Kommodore JG 52
(to 08.05.45). 31.12.44 Oberst, Kdre., Stab/JG 52. 30.01.45 promo to Oberst. 08.05.45 just before
receiving the order to surrender, received a promotion to Oberst; surrendered to the Americans who
immediately handed him over to the Russians. Credited with 212 air victories in 830 combat
missions. 25.12.49 released from Camp 69 at Frankfurt /Oder. 1950 released from Soviet captivity;
while a POW, Graf is allegedly said to have made pro-Soviet statements that alienated his comrades.
Became a salesman for an electronics manufacturer and rose to become a branch manager in Baden
and later head of sales. He took up flying and became a member of the Swiss Aeroclub. Shunned by
his fellow veterans after the war for seditious statements made while a POW in Russia. †04.11.88 in
Engen or in Rastatt after a long illness. For further reading see: Schumann, Ralf. Ritterkreuzträger
Profile Nr. 3 Hermann Graf (Stengelheim: Unitec/Flugzeug Publikations GmbH). ISBN: - none?


  1. Offz - G-K Apr 2024.pdf
  2. 2 Fotos Oberst Graf in Ulm | eBay
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Career Summaries - Luftwaffe Officers 1935 - 1945
Section L - R
MACHOLD, Werner. (DOB: 29.07.13 in Unterneubrunn/Thüringen). (W.B.K. Bendau b.Berlin). (R).
1935 joined the Luftwaffe following 3-4 years service in the Kriegsmarine. 1939 in 1./JG 2.
14.05.40 Ofw., 1./JG 2. 03.06.40 Ofw., 1./JG 2. 05.08.40 Lt.d.R., Staka 7./JG 2 (to 09.06.41).
05.09.40 Ofw., awarded Ritterkreuz, 7./JG 2. 09.40 Oblt., appt Staka 7./JG 2. 19.05.41 Oblt., 7./JG
2. 09.06.41 Oblt. and Staka 7./JG 2 (06.06.41 according to German sources, but this is incorrect),
POW – Bf 109 E-7/U2 (White 15) shot down by HMS Blencathra off St. Aldhelm's Head or suffered
engine failure while attacking a convoy off Portland and force-landed inland near Swanworth Quarries,
Worth Matravers. 01.06.42 promo to Hptm.(Kr.O./Fl.). Credited with over 250 combat missions and
26 air victories. †02.04.68 in Landsberg/Lech.



  1. Offz - L-R Apr 2024.pdf
  2. Top Foto Pilot Oberfeldwebel Werner Machold, JG 2 " Richthofen " Schnappschuss | eBay
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