eBay: Airwar ww2 The Pilots. (2 Viewers)

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German Kurt Meyer + 18-07-1942 Saturday KG30

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German Hubert Rottig Uffz. in einer Flugzeugführerschule. verunglückt bei einem Überlandsflug in der Nähe von Hagnrode ( Harz ) am 19. August 1943. 19-08-1943 Thursday

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Thanks for showing me the above. But those figures are not all for my posts...

Going through the photos I've been able to match quite a few new ones to actual events, including a FOURTH photo of the famous M8+AC of ZG II./76 belly-landed in a farmer's garden on 4th September 1940. 'Who put that shark in my garden!'
But those figures are not all for my posts...

No they are not
But they are prove there is a good amount of intrest.
I am sure, most here, know of your writings or indeed have some of them.

I think it is save to say you are not writing or researching for just a few guys hanging round a niche market. The numbers of viewings, are solid numbers. And this is far from the only site on this subject.

Thats why i put the views up. Its not about the number of posts or thread or me.
Its about the subject you know an awfull lot about.
I hope you see it as an encouragement. A cheering on, while you head for the finish flag. That is all i was trying to do.

Waiting for the release date. Good luck. Have fun.

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