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Foto 2 WK Belgien Panzer Original Foto ca 10 cm x 7 cm | eBay

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Actually it is not the S-65 Stalinets. It is the СТЗ-3 ( STZ-3 ). The enlarged pics with the factory logo is a little bit blurry but the first letter there doesn't look like X or C. I would say it's the A what means that's the tug was made by the Altaic Tractor Zavod after evacuation of the Kharkiv Tractor Zavod there.

STZ - Stalingrad Tractor Zavod - Сталинградский Tракторный Завод ( CTЗ )
XTZ- Kharkiv Tractor Zavod - Xарьковский Tракторный Завод ( XTЗ )
ATZ - Altaic Tractor Zavod - Aлтайский Tракторный Завод ( ATЗ )


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