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North American P-51D-5-NA 44-13357 361st FG, 374th FS, 8th AF, B7-R Tika IV lost in accident near Little Walden, UK Nov 16, 1944.

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North American P-51D-10-NA 44-14647 , 5Q-A Pedunk of the 339th Fighter Group, 504th Fighter Squadron sitting at Bassingbourn in early 1945.
Assigned to 504FS, 339FG, 8AF USAAF. Failed to Return (FTR) sweep to Bremen, whilst strafing Kaltenkirchen aerodrome, hit by flak in coolant system, pilot 1st Lt Jerome J Ballard abandoned A/C, chute streaming but not inflating due to the low altitude. Chute became entangled in tree tops saving his life. 20-Mar-45. Prisoner of War (POW). MACR 13186. 44-14647 | American Air Museum

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North American P-51B-10-NA 42-106599 Hustlin Hussy II (369th FS, 359th FG) in ground accident at RAF East Wretham Dec 8, 1944. Pilot survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.

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North American P-51D-10-NA 44-14734 6N-K 339th FG 505th FS 8th AF Baby Mine, crashed during wheels-up belly landing 3 mi SE of Colchester, England due to engine failure Mar 28, 1945. Pilot uninjured, but aircraft was destroyed.

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MSN 73-3316 Mustang Mk I RAF AG561

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If I don't miss my guess, that plane was modified for photo recon.
I remember reading that the divit seen behind the cockpit held a camera.
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