Engine finishes

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Aug 2, 2010
I see a lot of the modelers paint their engines, including cylinders, a metallic color, especially the R2800s. I was wondering if anyone can shed some light on what a correct factory finish would be? Seems to me that the cylinders were painted a light gray. Also, what about accessories, ignition cables, and tubes. I am looking to finish my engines as they came out of the factory.
I Google Image a particular engine I want to paint and come up with scores of variations. Lighting, film etc. throws everything around. Find a picture you like and get as close as possible. Right now I'm using Tamiya XF-56 Metallic Grey for the cylinders. Just me but I have also seen light grey. Not much help but you will get many different answers here. Caption says "Attaching an R-2800 Double Wasp to an F4U" Looks factory fresh.....

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Notice how the ignition wires are not crisply routed, but sort of just flow backwards. In other words, don't fret about how neatly you apply them on the model. The cylinders and hears are bare metal I believe, so you're trying to represent that.


  • F4U-1A R-2800 Complete Front.JPG
    379.1 KB · Views: 13
Typically, on a radial engine, the crankcase, gearbox and intakes were painted while the cylinders and heads were bare metal.

The inline engines were most often painted overall (crankcase, gearbox, heads, valve covers and some intake manifolds).

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