Euro 2020 (played in 2021)

Hey Bro, who/what is going to win the final?

  • Italiano

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • Rule Britannia

    Votes: 9 90.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

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ik but still
But still what, many people do not make a judgement today on what happened between 4 and 500 years ago. If they did, I would constantly remind you of what the Romans did in Northern England/ Scotland. Using slave labour to build roads to nowhere, what a bunch of thickos.
ok but that was a long time ago and lots of different people mode through England afterwards also it was semi-recent
ok but that was a long time ago and lots of different people mode through England afterwards also it was semi-recent
Some dippy Italian gold trader put a mosaic in my grannys garden, she had a whole summer of archaeologists digging up the the thing. Nowt as stupid as a Roman gold trader.

You certainly should know, as a New Yorker you were Dutch in that time
On April 4, 1609, Henry Hudson, in the employ of the Dutch East India Company, departed Amsterdam in command of the ship Halve Maen (Half Moon). On September 3 he reached the estuary of the Hudson River.[12] He sailed up the Hudson River to about Albany near the confluence of the Mohawk River and the Hudson. His voyage was used to establish Dutch claims to the region and to the fur trade that prospered there after a trading post was established at Albany in 1614.

In 1614, the Dutch under the command of Hendrick Christiaensen, built Fort Nassau (now Albany) the first Dutch settlement in North America and the first European settlement in what would become New York.[13] It was replaced by nearby Fort Orange in 1623.[14]
It'sa bit shorter ago. We're don't like the Spanish team because of the WC final of 2010, when they won into the spare time because of a golden goal. For a country that is known for being the one to play the most finals without ever winning them, that's important. We 'dislike' both the German team and the Argentinian team for the same reason

Germany owns the
Not watching England. Got better things to do. Which is anything than watching England.

Will check result on news later.

Is it wrong to wish Scottish defeat? Am i that petty and vindictive?

Yes, yes I am.

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