Generalfeldmarschall zur Luftschiff Abteilung
I like facebook for the ability to stay in touch with friends and family in a real-time medium.
The downside to this, is the alarming habit of people, particularly younger folks, to believe some of the crap that floats around on those sites.
Here's a classic example:
It's a "meme" issued by a group called "occupy democrats" that constantly pumps out misinformation and a large share of people take these as gospel instead of a quick fact-check - which is that the C-27s ended up in Coast Guard, USFS and SOCOM service and are currently in service.
I do recall back in the day, before the internet, that there were pyramid schemes, tabloids, gossip columns and all sorts of shenanigans by the day's current medium (mail, news stands, TV, radio and even CB radios). So where ever there's people, there'll be this sort of thing.
So social media can be a great thing, if you just side-step the nonsense and oxygen thieves!
The downside to this, is the alarming habit of people, particularly younger folks, to believe some of the crap that floats around on those sites.
Here's a classic example:
It's a "meme" issued by a group called "occupy democrats" that constantly pumps out misinformation and a large share of people take these as gospel instead of a quick fact-check - which is that the C-27s ended up in Coast Guard, USFS and SOCOM service and are currently in service.
I do recall back in the day, before the internet, that there were pyramid schemes, tabloids, gossip columns and all sorts of shenanigans by the day's current medium (mail, news stands, TV, radio and even CB radios). So where ever there's people, there'll be this sort of thing.
So social media can be a great thing, if you just side-step the nonsense and oxygen thieves!