Favorite 5 Aircraft- All Eras Allowed.

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You don't know enough on the Tempest though. I'd probably say the Lighting was the best overall aircraft, between the two. I'd rather be in a Tempest if we're going low-level.

The Jug wouldn't stand a chance at low-level, it wasn't much of a fighter. Come on! It could take a beating but it couldn't dogfight with the best of them, although it was a P-47 that downed the first -262.

And the Mustang well, we're talking the -51D, it was good but as I always say it's major shining point was its range. Not it's dogfight ability.
Actually, the P-47 was a good fighter despite it's size. It made aces of several pilots and even after they were designated to ground attack, they still racked up an impressive amount of aerial victories. I am certainly never going to declare it the best dogfighter, but it could hold it's own.
It was a good fighter, if you knew how to use it. However, the Tempest would have much more of a chance in the combat than the -47.
i fail to see how the -38,-47 and -51 were better than british designs, in particular the tempest, the tempest was more than capable of taking out all of those planes, spits could turn inside all of the above and our pilots had considderably more battle experience and training than their american counterparts, may i suggest you open your mind a bit to british designs..................
the tempest was more than capable of taking out all of those planes

A match maybe, but not "More than capable". I dont really know why I mentioned te P-47, maybe because I just like it. But I still think the P-38 and P-51 would give the Tempest a damned hard time. Why you mentioned the Spitfire I dont know, Im well aware of the fact it was a better dogfighter than the above.

May I suggest to you that you occasionally close you mind about British designs and make space for other countries planes, you constantly talk about the British planes like the sun shined outta their arses and that there were no better planes than the British planes. I mean Im no fan of British planes but the Spitfire, Hurricane and Lancaster were damned good designs. Credits due where its due, and you dont give credit to the aircraft of other nations often enough.
Thankyou, a Brit that sees sence. Im not saying all British planes were bad, just that they arent best at everything.

I would take a B-29 for night bombing too though
Hello. CC were you just putting your foot into your mouth. Fairey Battles were sent over to France and almost a 100% of the Fairey Battles were lost in the Battle for France at the beginning of WW2. Therefore if they could be beaten at the very beginning of the war by German technology, then by the very end of WW2 they would have become aerial coffins, if not by 1941-42 when the Allies started putting really heavy armament into some of their bombers. One shot from one of those modified bombers would be more than sufficent to take out a Fairey Battle. It would be overkill.
My favorites would have to be. Fighters-51, spitfires. Heavy bombers:B-29s, B-17s, medium bombers: A-26 invader. I have been in 2 of the 18 remaining lancasters, b-17 sentimental journey, a seafire, several A-26's a seafury, and three Harvards. have seen up close, a hurricane, 109,one of the few flyable remaining Blemhiems ,P-47, Bearcat, zero, xp-51. And a few spitfires. Out of all those my fav is the B-17


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