Favorite 5 Aircraft- All Eras Allowed.

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Yep, due to the amazing speed and agility of the Battle I could out climb, dive, turn and roll the Fw-190, take him out with a couple of shots from my starboard .303, then attack the bombers. If I missed them and overshot by some strange reason then my rear gunner would take them out with his .303...yes the Battle was an amazing plane
What kinda radar suite did the Lincoln have? All Ive seen mentioned was the H2S but was wondering if theyre was more.

Id still take a B-29 for night bombing over the Lancaster or Lincoln if all 3 were available.
Ohhh, abit late into this forum, my love is for most WWII aircraft....but if I was to choose 5.......

Absolutely, totally.....DH98 Mosquito
'' '' .....DH103 Hornet
also .....P-40's... [Kiwis killed 99 Japs with 'em...]
and also .....F4U's ... [and killed some more with these...]
and lastly .....A4K Skyhawks,... the best l'il jet fighter ever........


  • raf_487__nz__sqn._-_on_the_hunt..._183.jpg
    16 KB · Views: 409
Thanks mosquitoman, it's a real shame that there's no Hornets left today, and they would've been awesome had they got them into WWII before it was over....
We have a chap that's making new Mosquitos down here in NZ, I don't know if you've heard about it....There is an update on it at www.mossie.org , the main Mosquito website....

My choice of aircraft is based on my obsession with the Mosquito Hornet, [as all these guys know about !!!], and then my patriotic choices, but there's others like the Lancaster etc. that I'd love to add too.....


  • raf_487__nz__sqn._-_on_the_hunt..._818.jpg
    16 KB · Views: 404

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