Feb. 22,1998- the day Czech Republic won the Ice Hockey Tournament in Nagano

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Senior Master Sergeant

10 years ago a Czech National Icehockey theam won the Icehockey tournament in Nagano Olympic games.
Here´s a short track form those days View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xa0gvq9d054
Even today while watching it I still have goose pimples...don´t ya Pisis...?
It was a great succes as all the experts favourited USA,Canada and Russia as it was for a first time in the history when NHL was shut-off during this tournament so the best players of this planet could be there...yep, and we won...
Still hard to belive it....
My best sport experience 4ever!


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U aint fond of any Team Canada loss u Maple Leaf wearin Troll....
it was also the 60th anniversary of the RCAF Flyers winning the Olympic Gold medal for hockey and yes they were all airmen . They put in their own team since we weren't going to send one so thje RCAF stepped up to the plate. The combination of speed reaction and airforce


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It was all about Hasek and his amazing goal tending... The guy was unbeatable.....

Kind of the same situation with the 1980 USA Team at Lake Placid Roman....

you´re right dan, but it is always so, without a good goal keeper there´s no chance...
btw, you ny islanders fan, do you know roman hamrlik, that used to play for you? his brother martin still plays for my town...
Thats pretty cool, and yea Im familiar with the Hamrlik name.... He scored quite a few goals for us...

I´ve 4got to tell ya that Hamrlik comes from my town-his parents live 2 miles away from me. He was also one of the Nagano winners...
He became first Czech icehockey player being #1 in NHL draft in 199?, I´m not really sure about exact year...1992?
More about him here Montréal Canadiens - Team: Roman Hamrlik Official Player Page
As PBfoot said- playing for Montreal actually...
Thats pretty cool, and yea Im familiar with the Hamrlik name.... He scored quite a few goals for us...

There was an 80th anniversary of the Icehockey in my town- Zlin today. We couldn´t miss it and went there. We got a lot of pics and siggys.
Here´s my son with Martin Hamrlik,brother of Roman Hamrlik who used to play for NY Islanders, Calgary Flames and actualy plays for Motreal Canadiens.
The other pics shows my son with Jaroslav Balastik who used to play for Columbus Blue Jackets in 2005-2007. Thanks to God we got him back! They called him 'Automatic Balastik' in NHL due to his shootout efficiency...


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