**** FINISHED: 1/48 LaGG 3 Series 11 - Winter War / Eastern War WWII

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Jeff Hunt

1st Lieutenant
Jul 20, 2012
Guelph Ontario Canada
Username Jeff Hunt
Name Jeff
Category Novice
Scale 1/48
Accessories Out of the Box

Here are the mandatory 6 pics of the LaGG 3.

Judges: If the pics are not good enough, let me know and I will try again.

One additional shot

Cheers everyone,

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That's a lean mean fighter machine. I like how some of the green paint is wearing through the white... I'm going to be doing something similar on my FW. Well done!
Thanks guys for all the kind words. It did go together quickly but there was, in reality, very few pieces to this bird and being retired with I can spend many hours a day working away on the models if I so choose.

The decals were a problem as has already been mentioned. Even the second time around the starboard side tail star failed to co-operate so I had to hand paint one which turned out okay and a little extra weathering over top hides it pretty well.

Nothing like looking at your work in pictures to see all the warts that somehow are missed before the photos are taken.

Anyhow, thanks again....this group build stuff is fun and I can honestly say I have learned more about Russian aircraft in the last 18 days then I knew before this GB start.



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