**** FINISHED: 1/48 RF-84F Thunderflash - Jet/Recon/Transport GB

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T Bolt

Mar 24, 2010
Chicago, Illinois
User Name: T Bolt
Name: Glenn
Category: Advanced
Kit: Heller RF-84F Thunderflash
Scale: 1/48th.
Accessories: Bare Metal Foil Co. decals and Scale Aircraft Conversions landing gear. Also removal of the raised panel lines and re-scribing them, scratch built the camera bay and seat beats made from lead foil.

Here's my second aircraft from the 107th Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron in this Group Build.
The re-scribing of all the panel lines was a first for me and many times during the process I thought I was in over my head, but it seems to have turned out Ok and I learned a few lessons along the way to make the next time I attempt it a little easier.

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