Fires in California

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I have had relatives live in that area since the dawn of time so I know the area well.

take the hint if the fires are not out and winds change and head west you guys are screwed, we've played with this crap almost every year since I moved to So. Orygun in the 60's it is a part of life we live with heavy timber and loads upon loads of uncut brush thanks in part to an overlazy eco enviro BLM systme and stupid land owners.

my prayer is that the wind shifts and blows itself out or at least get some humidity from the Jimena poop to you south

you guys are in our thoughts
154,000 plus and rising, so is La Canada going to get fried or ? hearing nothing really on the news up in the NW territories

still have friends from long ago in Pasadena
yes I have the incident web-site marked with it's main page and the difference in the posting of acreage burned.

sys's link to the vid reminds me of to our west years ago, the whole coastal range it appeared was glowing. the smoke was stifling. and it must be the same if you guys get a slight east to west wind down to the ground layer

lets hope the folk get the complete handle by the 15th
Latest batch of fires brings one dangerously close to home. The northern part of Moorpark has been evacuated, and because the area burned/burning has a lot of farms and equestrian properties, there are horse trailers all over the place in town. It went from 5 acres, to 300, to 2300 to over 6,000 acres very, very fast.

Tonight, we saw friefighting crews from all over Southern California coming and going.

We are safe where we are and the fire is moving westerly at the moment. If the winds shift though, it could get ugly fast.

Here is the latest:
Brush fire near Fillmore continues move toward Moorpark : Moorpark : Ventura County Star
Me too, Dave. As of about 11 last night, it is at 8,500 acres. They usually do a morning briefing, so I am waiting to hear more from last night. We did see it crest the mountain tops to the north of us, but the winds are blowing westerly, so we don't have much smoke at the house.

The fire map:
Ventura, Riverside and San Bernardino County fire map 9/22/09 - Google Maps

I am just south of the Arroyo Simi (river in the southern part of the map). If you drew a straight line south of Moorpark Country club a couple of miles, that is about where I am.

The Station fire, that started about a month ago is still burning as well, with 94% containment. But the Santa Ana winds are kicking up again, so it could be a long week.
LA Times photo of the big iron they brought it to help fight this b!tch, taken yesterday afternoon not far from my house. We have also see the helos of multiple sizes and the Canadian Super Scoopers.


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we have crews down there from my area as well as big Heli's which are actually super space creatures from another world, used in transport of very heavy timber, these things can move mountains. Anything to help our neighbors to the south.

keep an eye to the skies Eric the whole west coast is a dry tinder box at the moment with no rains in sight except possibly far north Washington/Canada

E ~

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