Flymodel P-51 D Mustang and Fockewulf 190 1/33 scale

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Staff Sergeant
Jul 26, 2011
Moraine Ohio U.S.A.
Ahoy Fellows
Okay Gang I just finished my B-29 and she is hung up in the crowded airspace of my man cave........ I am glad she is done now its time to start another build this build is different then what I have been posting here, instead of one kit theree will be two side by side builds........ The kit is two in one kit elemntry by my standards but it will be my vacation build and the P-38 will be next. I will post a couple pictures of the P-51 this evening here is a sneak preview of what i am building.



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Ahoy Fellas
Back at it again Starting out with the Mustang the builkd has begun starting with the cockpit assembly the cockpit assembly is nothing more then a tub, not bad in the detail deppartment can use polishing but i elected to build as is.......... As to the fit od parts not bad but due tell I ran into trouble when installing the cockpit tub the two formers 5c and 6a are notched to except the cocpit floor assembly they are way to small dont know where the designers head was when he designed this kit........ Problem is the cockpit floor is to wide and the formers are to small so i removed the 2 formers and the floor fits like a glove no fuss typical flymode SNAFU. One thing about card models you do run into problems at times some kits are are very difficult and they have a tendacy to try your patience. I have the patience of a oyster if I run into trouble i over come the situation and get it right. in this case with the formers being to small i just got rid of them installed the cockpit floor and joined the skins 5 and 6 useing conector tabs the tuib acts like a former so nothing lost.. I edged all of the skins with a red marker when i joined the skins together and let dry I got my burnishing tool and done some burnishing to get rid of the seams the seams are gone like Houdini but he left the panel lines there..... Here is the build update for the night more tomorrow i should have this done in a day or two.



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Thank you Wojtek for the pictures of the P-51 its the same kit alright no mistake about it who ever built it done a wonderful;l job on her another cardmodler........... I should have this P-51 done tomorrow and i will get started on the 190, I love those two builds in one kit they make great subjects in the dog fight series. here is the completed fuselage assembly i am constructing the wings i will post the update on those in the morning.



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