FNG says Hi!

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Airman 1st Class
Feb 17, 2008
I actually joined a while ago, so I guess I should finally introduce myself...

I'm just another fighter pilot wannabe who didn't have the eyes to make the grade...I'm 48, live in Bridgewater, Nova Scotia, and have been fascinated by military aviation since I was a kid. I especially enjoy the memoirs of the people who were there, and have approx 1200 books related to military history, with an emphasis on WWII aviation. I'm always on the look out for anything written by the combatants, esp. Russian and Japanese, as their stuff is hard to find. Any suggestions would be much appreciated!

Other interests include science (esp evolutionary biology), history, hunting, fishing, whitewater canoeing, scuba, motorcycles (I used to be an amateur roadracer), anything to do with nature, and messin' about in the ocean.

I'm very impressed by the general level of knowledge shown by the people here, and also the passion (esp. the EE/BAC Lightning guy!).

Anyway, it's a great site, and I think I'll have fun learning some good stuff from you guys.

Thanks to all for the warm welcome.

Heinz: A Suzuki GS1000S Superbike,and a Kawasaki GPz 750 in the Supersport class. I also raced a Yamaha RZ 350 and Honda 750 Intercepter in endurance races (not my bikes). This was in the '80's, just before it got too damned expensive...

Now if I can just figure out how to use all the bells and whistles in this forum...

Manx Norton, AJS 7R and MV Agusta are racing bikes.... Those are just souped up sewing machines....
Looking forward to see you around here mate, maybe some stories from the track too...?
Lucky 13,

Don't gie'us yer pesh! I shagged yer wee sister onna leaky auld Norton. Broke the Featherbed frame...

Guess I shouldn't be too hard on you dress wearing Scots. A pal of mine from Glasgow (A total Luftwaffe Nachtjaeger nut) introduced me to the sublime pleasure of single malts. Alas,the pasty-faced haggis eater skedaddled back to Edinburgh after his Canuck wife dumped him for a REAL lady...Turns out he could only get it up if they turned out all the lights and she made noises like a Lanc'...

Oooh for f*ck sake maaaan....not ANOTHER bl**dy Njaco...! Good stuff, could you handle REAL whisky or did you cough a couple of times, shake your face, sneeze and fart at the same time and fall to the floor, spending the rest of the night not being able to communicate like human being, but more in the style of a neanderthal..? As for the woman in question, was she the same size as the Lanc, or her "bombs"

Lucky 13,

Not sure about the Njaco bit, but as for handling the REAL whisky, well, as a true Bluenoser, I was weaned at sea on Lamb's 151 proof Navy rum...Glenlivet was like drinking American beer compared to that.

The 'woman in question' was more Mosquito (Without a big, beautiful pair of Merlins leading the way, unfortunately...)than Lanc'. Maybe that's why he couldn't get the ole Schrage Muzik to work...Moskitoschrek!

An odd guy, really. Went to an airshow with him (I told him he could hold my hand if the noise scared him) and caught him fellating a Sidewinder on an F-16. Later he had to be reprimanded for performing cunnilingus on the cannon of an A-10...The best part was when we were checking out a Luftwaffe Tornado. The pilot was pure Prussian; all he needed was the monocle...Dave commented that it must be fun to fly...Herr Oberleutnant Ubermensch stiffened, eyes bulging, and barked, "VEE DO NOT FLY FOR FUNN!"

All business, those Teutons...

It's funny though Njaco....I only have brothers, I wonder who or WHAT that poor b*st*rd was "doing"...on that featherbed frame?

Something that says...baaah baah...?


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