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Two "dumb" questions: where were you based, and which model of the -4 did you fly? I'm more of a "modern" aircraft guru, so I'm curious.
I flew F4-Es and Ds. The E had the internal gun in the nose. I was based at George AFB, CA; Keflavic, Iceland; Bardufoss, Norway; Taegu, South Korea; Andrews AFB, MD, DC Air National Guard at Andrews.
Me on an E circa 1985. Ignore the salute!


Nice pic! That looks like an "E" with the Euro I wraparound. I can't read the tail code; where was that one taken? And, did you ever get to intercept any Bears out of IS?
How long were you in the F-4. They were starting to phase them out in 85 weren't they? Keflavic! Is that base ever above minimums? My mind imprint of Keflavic is a rock at minimums. Where did you go to UPT?

Welcome aboard. It will be nice to have an F-4 jock to provide an input.
Nice pic! That looks like an "E" with the Euro I wraparound. I can't read the tail code; where was that one taken? And, did you ever get to intercept any Bears out of IS?

That is an E at George AFB in Victorville, CA. It's not there any more, I understand. I flew formation with a Bear or two. Also out of Norway.
How long were you in the F-4. They were starting to phase them out in 85 weren't they? Keflavic! Is that base ever above minimums? My mind imprint of Keflavic is a rock at minimums. Where did you go to UPT?

I went to UPT at Reese AFB in Lubbock, TX. I flew F4s until '87 on active duty, then in the ANG until late '90. That's about the time they all went away, except some recon birds.
I saw the sun In Kef a few times. Actually, the weather wasn't too bad, most of the time. I have never seen such low barometric pressure as I saw there.

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