For Airframes

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No nail, but some tools (I included the hammer especially for you, Wojtek :lol: )


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Wow, Marcel! I don't know what to say to thank you! They are all brilliant!
I'd never really considered a siggy before, and I'm still torn between the bottom one and the middle one. The middle one matches my (occassional!) sense of ordiliness, but the bottom one in a way reflects my bouts of artistic creativity (honest!).
What to do, which to choose???
I think I'll go with the bottom one please!
Now, how do I get it up on the screen?
Thank you very much Marcel and Wojtek!
looks great and i've got a great idea for an avatar for you give me a few mins and check back here mate

save it to your comp then click UserCP, Edit avatar, browse and find it on your hard drive then click it and your done i think !!!!!


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