For B-17 Engineer

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Harrison try this....

Lets say the pic you want to use is 500 width x 900 length

and the siggy size is 200 w x 600 l

I first make a 'New' page set to the siggy size. Then I copy and paste the pic onto the siggy. Now the ends will be cropped but the whole pic is there. Go to 'Layer' and choose "Layer size' towards the bottom. A window will pop up that you can change the size but....make sure the link is locked on the side of the width/length windows.

Now if the pic ends up larger you can move it around until you got what you want, then under 'Image" choose "Crop to Selection" and it fits.

if smaller, you can play with fill colors or clipping small pieces of the original pic and layering them to stretch.

If you look at my sig, the cliffs of Dover are actually the same - I just cut and paste several sections and stretched it across.
Thanks Chris maybe I'll try this tomorrow or 3 in the morning since I've been having these dam headaches the past 3 days and I can't sleep... No I'm not mocking you this is true!
are you using GIMP?

Its easy to remove the white.

Bring up the pic in GIMP. Use the "Selection Tool" (kinda looks like an eyedropper on the first row in the palette to the left.) Just use the tool to touch the white area. You will notice that the whole white area is now highlighted. Just hit delete and the white is gone. Just save and you'll be good.

Are there two emblems?


  • image095.gif
    15.6 KB · Views: 171
  • 487th_Fighter_Squadron_-_Emblem_-_World_War_II.png
    129.9 KB · Views: 162
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