For the OLD Furts....remember?

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There was a time when the gas station gave free air and water for tires and radiators.
There was a time when the pump attendant at the Service Station not only put the gas in your car, but checked under the hood and cleaned the windshield, too.

And if that weren't good enough, you also got free stuff for getting a full tank, like:
S&H or Bluechip trading stamps
Free glassware or kitchen utensils
Toy trucks with the filling station's brand
Dolls of the World collection (one doll for each fill up)
First Aid kits or Travel accessories

And the list goes on...
RC cola and a Hamburger plate $1.85 at the local drug store with the long counter/stools/milk shakes.Tree forts,underground forts with lids from a washing machine lid entrance,banana seat bikes/willie bars and were fighting with fist was allowed you won and you lost.


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Reminds me of the time years ago, when I took my '66 Volkswagon to the station for a full-serve fillup (I was all dressed up for some sort of event - don't recall exactly) and the kid had no idea where to put the gas, so I got out and lifted the "hood" and the kid was speechless.

He asked very quietly: "but...where IS the engine??"

And I went around back and lifted the deck and he just stood there staring at it as if he'd just seen a UFO...
This is before all of us, but during and after the depression, companies like Quaker Oats and others would put free dishes in their cereal or oatmeal to help people out. Movie theaters or grocery stores would hand out pieces for just coming in or making a large purchase. You never knew what you would get, a plate, a butter dish, creamer cup, tea glass, who knew. Of course, nowadays, those dishes are called Depression Glass, is VERY collectable, and worth a ton of money.

Funny side note, if you put them under a black light, they glow because they actually contain uranium.

He had, its called VW. I only ever tried changing the starter motor in one of those things once. Mind you. there are those who swear by them and do weird and wonderful things with and to them.......

Down here for some of that stuff too...
. Movie theaters or grocery stores would hand out pieces for just coming in or making a large purchase. You never knew what you would get, a plate, a butter dish, creamer cup, tea glass, who knew. .

We use to get dishes like that from the local grocery in the 60's early 70's I think it was point system stamps and was it "Delchamps"
Oh Halloween there could literally be a 50-100 kids trick or treating on a single block but back then a average family was 3-4 we had 7
so many to comment about:

i remember McDonald's first TV adds 47 cents for a 3 course meal...hamburger, fries and drink.

wish cars still had wing windows....they were handy when I smoked..

I gave a girl a ring in a box of cracker jacks. I carefully opened it and used an exacto knife to open the prize envelope. put the ring in there and glued it and the box back up. she thought it was a toy and didn't pay attention to it...

powdered laundry detergent used to put towels, wash clothes...and dishes in the boxes as a encourage you to buy it.

the saddest part of life is when I was a kid and walked down the cereal aisle it was virtually a toy store! every box of cereal had a small cheapo toy. some of the coolest things came from them...the little submarines and scuba divers you put backing powder in to make them go up and down in water...and the like. poor kids of today have no fun...I still buy cereal when it has a toy....I save them and use them for stocking stuffers at Christmas.

And when SERVICE stations, actually repaired your car and had a huge selection of very colorful road maps...FOR FREE!!!
at work conversation went from one thing to another then to a place that reminded me of some of the old cool toys we had in the 60s. with James Bond being all the rage mattel came up with a line of spy toys called Zero M. I am sure the sonic blaster would not be sold in today's sue happy environment but cool toys nonetheless....wish I had kept some of my toys like these. oh...guess who the actor is in the commercials...this is where he got his start.



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