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Nov 22, 2009
The Jungles of Canada
Always curious about members that haven't posted for a while, GrauGeist and ToughOmbre come to mind, and hoping they are well. him or hate him, I came across pampas14 (hasn't been here for almost a year) on the The Spitfire Forums - Index site. What struck me as funny is in his post he said he came across some photos while searching for some navy aircraft. The link to the site he "found" is his own site or at least the site he always linked here

Maybe there is something wrong with eyes or generally with the vision. :lol:
On the bright side, there were some interesting photos. On the down side he was/is every where. If you've noticed, on the other sites. he vanished after 2016 as well.
Well, isn't that strange. Two years ago, I get two warnings and almost banned for posting warnings about this character. I posted how he cherrypicked pictures and info from all over the web, then posted it as his own. I told how he had used over a dozen usernames on various forums, with at least 6 on Hyperscale, and how he had been banned from various forums.
Now it's okay the talk bad about him.

I used to enjoy some of what he posted even if he was posting from here to who knows where. It just seems strange that he stopped all posts at around the same time in 2016. I'm not saying anything bad about him especially since I wasn't annoyed in any way by his posting.
I looked at a few of the mentioned posts, I can't decide if he just liked hosing the net with info or had some odd purpose behind it. But it did not seem like anything worse than possibly driving traffic to or promoting a site?

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