Future Group Build Suggestions.

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Just got them all together here for now, few more might pop up, who knows.
Allied Bomber Offensive , Europe, '41 - '45.
Battle of Britain.
Cold War Protagonists, '49 - '89.
Korean War, '51-'53.
Mediteranean Theatre.
Spitfire, '39 - '45.
Messerschmitt 109, '39 - '45.
??? Squadron, R.A.F. History, 1918 - 2008.
Air Sea Rescue, WW2 - Present.
Photo Recce, '40 -'45.
What if? Any period, any type.
Other Nations in the R.A.F., '39 - '45.
Night Fighters, '39 - '45.
Down Low, for ground kill aces.
Eastern Front, '41-'45.
Freezing H*ll, Northern Europe.
The Golden Years, between the wars.
Red Stars, VVS.
MIA KIA, for those that don't get the attention they so rightly deserve.
Battle of Britain.
The Mighty 8th AF.
Tank Busters.
Pearl Harbor Anniversary.
Battle of the Bulge, 16 December 1944 – 25 January 1945.*
Operation Market Garden, September 17, 1944 – September 25, 1944.*
Battle of Stalingrad, 17 July 1942 and 2 February 1943.*
Battle of Kursk, German Kursk :July 4, 1943 – July 20, 1943, Soviet Kursk : July 4, 1943 – August 23, 1943.*
Italian Campaign, 10 July 1943 – 8 May 1945.*
Coastal Command.
New Guinea air war.
Commonwealth Air Forces, RAAF, RCAF, RNZAF, IAF etc (pick a theatre).
Aircraft of VC, MOH winners.
5th AF.
Trainer a/c WWII.
First Blood, Air War '39-'40.
Foreign Spitfires etc.
Heavy Hitters, bombers '39-'45.
Support Vehicles, '39-'45.

my faves are ......
aircraft with invasion stripes
winter/summer cammo on the same aircraft
coastel command
different aircraft of the same ace/experten
battle of britain
PRU blue or pink
NMF aircraft
No probs Alex and Jan. Looks like most suggestions are in, although there's bound to be more to follow. I'll give it another month or so, then compile a list reflecting the 'repeated' themes, with the others following. It'll probably be easier to combine some maybe, for instance, 'Bomber Offensive' and 'Heavy Hitters'. Then it's a case of seeing who wants what next, and so on. Might not even need a poll as such, just the majority choice from the list.
What if we make more than one? I mean, some of us have had more than one build in this GB. Would it work if we made two or three with one crate in each, for those who want that, and those that want can just build in one like the one we have now....?
Now, I'm just thinking in case that we get dead heat between two GB's....so you can put away your eggs, tomatoes, salads etc...
Bombers/Heavy Hitters, Europe, '39 - '45.
Battle of Britain.
Cold War Protagonists, '49 - '89.
Korean War, '51-'53.
Mediteranean Theatre/North Africa.
Spitfire, '39 - '45.
Messerschmitt 109, '39 - '45.
??? Squadron, R.A.F. History, 1918 - 2008.
Air Sea Rescue, WW2 - Present.
Photo Recce, '40 -'45.
What if? Any period, any type.
Other Nations in the R.A.F., '39 - '45.
Night Fighters, '39 - '45.
Down Low, for ground kill aces.
Eastern Front, '41-'45.
Freezing H*ll, Northern Europe/Winter War
The Golden Years, Between The Wars.
Red Stars, VVS.
MIA KIA, for those that don't get the attention they so rightly deserve.
Battle of Britain.
The Mighty 8th AF.
Tank Busters.
Pearl Harbor Anniversary.
Battle of the Bulge, 16 December 1944 – 25 January 1945.*
Operation Market Garden, September 17, 1944 – September 25, 1944.*
Battle of Stalingrad, 17 July 1942 and 2 February 1943.*
Battle of Kursk, German Kursk :July 4, 1943 – July 20, 1943, Soviet Kursk : July 4, 1943 – August 23, 1943.*
Italian Campaign, 10 July 1943 – 8 May 1945.*
Coastal Command.
New Guinea air war.
Commonwealth Air Forces, RAAF, RCAF, RNZAF, IAF etc (pick a theatre).
Aircraft of VC, MOH winners.
5th AF.
Trainer a/c WWII.
First Blood, Air War '39-'40.
Foreign Spitfires etc.
Support Vehicles, '39-'45.
Anti Shipping

Changed the "Allied Bomber Offensive '41-'45" to "Bombers/Heavy Hitters, Europe, '39 - '45.", hope that's ok with you.....Terry?
Also changed "Mediteranean Theatre" to "Mediteranean Theatre/North Africa", "Freezing H*ll, Northern Europe" to "Freezing H*ll, Northern Europe/Winter War" and added "Anti Shipping" and "Captured".
Good work Jan!
I don't see a problem with your other suggstion. I presume you mean having more than one GB running at a time?
See what the consensus is, although, from my point of view, and probably the other 'judges', it would be good to not get too complicated, in order to asess the models on time etc. A slightly staggered time span would help though.
Running some in parallel but staggered is a good idea allows for variety.

should start with some important ones, yet be accessible to many.

We are saying PTO next but what are we actually aiming for? will it be a specific time frame/period or a broad 41-45 anything goes!?
Probably should start in March/April through July/Aug? so it runs in parallel but allows for both GB to operate without causing too much problem.

Personally I would like to see a Battle of Britain as No.3 as it would then fit nicely from July to October...."British historians date the battle from 10 July to 31 October 1940, which represented the most intense period of daylight bombing."
Thus still leaving a period to Christmas for a final 2009 GB (No.4)....TBA!

and some further random thoughts......for 2010? June 6th D-Day Invasion Stripes! amongst other things(GB No.6).....and Dec.7th Pearl Harbor (GB No.Eight)

GB 5 and 7 can be determined and inserted accordingly...?
True! I'm sure that we can work something out regarding the number of GB's at any one time. A PTO might not suit everybody, some might want to do a Nightfighter or Winter War or...
And the more members we get.....who knows?
I'm sure that there are still a few "closet builders" sneaking around here of our 9,906 members...we just have to flush them out.
Sounds good Wayne, and I like the order of the builds you chose. I think it would be easier for the PTO to have anything, any time, for that theatre?
So, if all agree with Wayne's order of preference, then, for this year, we need to choose GB No.4, and any parrallel builds, then the first, say two, for next year.

Yeah, I think just covering the whole PTO war would be best.
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