Adler, chill man, don't take this so personal.
Then if you dont understand what I am saying then please ask and I will try and explain it differently rather than change the words I use to support your arguement.
Civettone said:For instance, I know this thread is about the versatility of the Fw 190 but I asked the question if we can agree that the "Me 262 was a better fighter than the Fw 190 if all things were working ok." So that's what this discussion is about.
In my opinion for the reasons that I put out in other posts and will not post again for it is like a broken record, no it was not. One on one maybe but in the eventual run of things no it was not the better fighter. Fw-190 was good eneogh. The allies won with superior numbers and the few Me-262s had less of an effect (except for shock value) than the Fw-190.
Civettone said:I still don't see what the sense is in what you said. So I interpreted the way I did. I may have been wrong but I still don't understand what the point is in what you said. Have a 100 Fw 190s for 1 Me 262???
So I said: you're saying that there were 100 operational Fw 190s for every operational Me 262. That's turning it into a joke.
No what I said was I and probably any airforce commander would rather have 100 of a perfectly good capable aircraft that can tangle with anything the enemy has than have a few super aircraft that are too small in numbers to do anything.
Civettone said:The emphasis is on the last bit, I have the feeling you're turning the reliability of the Jumo 004 into a joke, as if it flamed out almost every time it flew. It was rare, like Erich pointed out!
Nope I never said that the 004 would flame out on every flight. The sooner you get into high operating hours (which on the 004 was not very high, 10 to 25 hours) the risk gets higher.
It was not a reliable engine.
Civettone said:But back to topic, I'll try to say it like this. The Luftwaffe built over 20,000 Fw 190 and Bf 109 fighter aircraft in 1944, and they got beaten. I totally agree that the Fw 190 (and Bf 109) could 'handle' most allied opponents. But that wasn't good enough. After May 1944 there was only enough fuel for a part of the missions. So then you have less missions with average fighter aircraft. Wouldn't it be better to fight those missions with the Me 262 even though it required more maintenance and still had some bugs?
No because a few Me 262 are not going to have a chance against the overwelming numerical superiority. We can not change history but the more numerical Fw-190 and Bf-109 had a better chance because they had more numbers.
I would rather have the aircraft that are allready numerous.
Civettone said:I don't want to put words into your mouth but isn't this always the case with new aircraft types? If you use that logic, you'll be using the Fw 190 until 2525.
No because the Germans were in a fight for there survival. You keep developing the Me 262 and when it is ready you mass produce it but you keep the 190s and 109s because they have numbers to keep up the fight.
We all know that it did not matter what kind of aircraft they had anyhow. The Allies had overwelming numerical superiority and had the advantage. The Me 262 few advantages over the 190 were gone because it did not matter when you are jumped by so many numbers of P-51s.
Civettone said:When the British encountered the Fw 190 they immediately recognized that it was the best fighter in the world. Yet, the Fw 190 was still experiencing engine problems and other bugs, wasn't it? What's the difference with the Me 262??
Try several years too late...
Civettone said:Again, that sounds like you're saying there would be 5 Me 262s for a 100 Fw 190s...
No I did not say that there would be. I said I would rather have that.
Civettone said:What would be closer to the truth is that there would be enough fuel for 50 Fw 190s against a 100 P-51s but also 50 Me 262s.
No there would not be. Do you know how much fuel a jet engine guzzles? And it was a lot worse in WW2. You could easily fly more Fw-190s with the same amount of fuel.
Civettone said:I know. It's a big issue! But my point is that I don't believe the Me 262 was as unreliable as it is portrayed by some. Reminds me of those ghost stories of the Me 163 which I was battling in another thread.
The Me 262 had much more problems than just the engines. Constructed using disimiliar metals and have you ever looked up close at a 262? They were hastely put together, there are gaps between the panels and skin sections.
Again I still would rather have a 190 which was good eneogh to fly against anything the allies put in the air and have whole squadron of 190s behind me to back me up.