Fw190A6 Sturmjager of Sturmstaffel1

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Blimey Wojtek, talk about attention to detail!

The E. Mombeek "Sturmstaffel 1" book went in the mail to you yesterday morning...

Now, how can I convince you to make that Fine Molds Me410 your next project? That I HAVE to see! :D
THX Paul.:D I can take your idea into consideration.The Me410 has been tempting me much more.


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The next step of the build was initial opinion of the kit parts.

All parts are moulded clean without any overflows.A few stamp traces are seen on inner sides of fuselage and wing halves.There are some cavities but not too big.Panel lines are engraved and quite thin.Also main hatches are engreved but their locks are raised and a little bit exaggerated.Some small inlets on fuselage have raised lines too.Generally all parts of the kit look nice at glance.


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I can make you sure I have known all advantages and disadvantages of both kits.And there is much more of them than you have mentioned above.

..oh sure, but I'm still not convinced though that this kit is worth the effort. We'll have to see how you find it..

Your models looks very nice, especially the Anthon Hackl's A-6 which is one of my favourite as well.But if you made A-6 the Pitot tube shouldn't have been on the wingtip, the one was moved there with A-8 wing.

Thanks, like yours mine were in the stash, so no point in wasting plastic..IIRC pitot tube on the right wing tip was an A-7 mod while it was moved to the other wingtip in the A-8 (or the other way around!) - it was in the mid-wing position for the A-6 as you say..

FWIW I supplied most of the pics and the text for one of the Kagero refs you're using...Fw 190 monograph (No. 4)
Yep... you are right, it is like a meeting of the old and the new. :)

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