Gathering of Mustangs and Legends, 2007

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I'm going! I'm so thrilled to have gotten a seat. I have the ticket in hand, and we'll be driving from FL to OH in Sept.

We just had our 51st wedding anniversary, and what a blessing my wife is! She knows how dear to my heart these planes are.

I have a tape of the Reno air races, and when the windows are open, I sometimes play one of the Merlin engines starting up, and I make those walking by look up to the sky.

I have 38 models in my "museum," otherwise known as the spare bedroom, an airfield with men working around the planes, a P-51 telephone, and other memorabilia.

I piloted Lee's Crazy Horse in Kissimmee, and what a joy that was!

I'm sure I'll have lots of pictures! Recording? I didn't think of that. I don't know how much "stuff" I can manage.
I just talked to my sweetie, and she has a tiny hand-held tape recorder the size of a cell phone. Maybe I can get those Merlin sounds after all.
Evangilder,p51ophile,Bucksnort101 and all the others that will be attending this Gathering,

I´m in touch with Chris Woods, the owner of the P-51, ser # 4474391. He made from this a/c a replica of Jimmy Brooks "February". Jimmy Brooks served at 31stFG during 1944 and had 13 kills. He shot down 2 German fighters over my town on Aug. 29th 1944. I was in touch with Jimmy Brooks as well.
Chris Woods with his "February" and Jimmy Brooks as well will be there at this Gathering. Even though Chris promised me to send me some pics from there I wanna ask you if someone from you could take some pictures of his machine, him and Jimmy Brooks in higher resolution and send them to me as pictures are never enough... I´d really appreciate it and pay all the costs for CD and postage.
Here is my e-mail: , If someone could do it for me I´d send him my mailing address.
I got "February" in my avatar es well.

And say hello for me to Chris and Jimmy.

P.S.: there are 3 pics attached. On the last picture there´s Chris Woods 1st from right and Jimmy Brooks 2nd from right


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Roman. I am flying into the show on a one day charter so the day will be pretty hectic I'm sure. I'll see what I can get for pictures. Keep in mind I'm not the best photographer in the world. See if I can talk to those two Gentleman as well.
No guarantees, but I'll see what I can come up with.
One more day until I head to the Gathering. Looks like it is shaping up to be a beautiful day as far as the weather is concerned.
Camera is ready to take hundreds of pics,
If any of you are in Minnesota and want to attend the show this Saturday Sun Country still has a few seats available on a Charter flight heading to the show Saturday morning (Sept. 29th) and returning on the same evening.
Cost per seat is $199.98.
Call 1-800-FLY-N-SUN for a reservations, tell them you want a seat on Charter Flight #51 to Columbus on Sept. 29th.
Bucksnort: Little Margeret is already parked there. if there is anyway possible can you get a shot of ace Clyde East in front of "his" Stang ?

man I wish I could attend but other committments got in the way

check this site out as of yesterday: ..

Mustangs Legends Day One

you will se the bright shinny Mustang I am talking about, also the 352nd fg is holding a mini reunion there as well, so watch for the older guys hanging around any blue-nosed Mustang. The Pattillo brothers will be there, Punchy Powell- a great guy and others..........

Erich, I'll see what I can do. If nothing else I'll try to get some Pics of Lil Margaret. I am familiar with that plane. Somewhere in the pile of book I have one that covers the rebuiling of that plane to WWII Standards. Great little book, I think it was put out by Classic Motorbooks? Lots of great pictures of the plane and the rebuild.
Buck I am only assuming that the 50-51 or so vet pilots will be in one area for a short time, if you find Clyde, and I can bet he would be proud, please ask him to pose if you would be the Stang, and maybe if you can find a small piece of white paper for him to sign for me with his name and 15th Recon TAc plus his # of kills. we can work this out via private maybe, can send you some funds for a photo copy for my files

hey any pics would be grand, this just might be the last we see of such a grand gathering of aces plus Mustang mounts

E ~
OK, will see what happens. Wish I could spend more that one day at the show. Would be nice to spend an entire day wathcing the airshow and another day just talking to the Veterans.
I don't think I'll be sleeping too wel tonight in anticipation of the show tomorrow!
regardless you will enjoy it beyond belief, just noted the vets are slowing coming in today. Lee Archer is there from the Tusks and Anderson/Yeager from the 357th fg having way too much fun
ooooooops I might just have taken info from back in 99's event. In any case the three aces will be present this year

have a blast man
I had chance to go but this overtaxed socialist couldn't afford it , I hope the weather holds for them as it's certainly an expensive event to hold
The show was absolutely awesome! The weather was perfect, the planes were spectacular, the flying was magical! What a wonderful, wonderful day!
Spent the day at the Gathering on Saturday. Awesome is all I can say. P-51's as far as the eye could see. Not sure if they made 100 birds, but it had to be close. Patty Wagstaff put on an excellent show in a P-51C, I think it was Princess Elizabeth? F-16's, F-15 flybys in full afterburn mode, still can't hear correctly.
F-22 Raptor Demo, what an amazing aircraft that is!!! B2 Flyover, that bird just does not look real as it flys over your head.
It was fun to hear the differenced between the growl and power diving Merlin, the purr of the Allison powered P-38 and P-40, the sheer power or the P-47 Thunderbolt, and the roar of a B-25 was awesome.
Finale of Saturdays show was a flight of 20 P-51's in the formation that was in the form of a giant 51 in the air.
I was told today there would be 51 Mustangs in the air at one time, that would have been impressive to see.
Still in the process of looking over my pics, will post some when I get them figured out.
Not sure, but there were a whole bunch of them. More than will ever be gathered in one spot again I'm sure. I did make one drastic mistake and formatted one of my memory cards with aroung 50 pics on it, the best of which was three lovely young ladies dressed to the hilt in 40's style dress. Man, that was hard to deal with. Hoping to be able to recover that bunch or pics, mostly in flight stuff.

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