Gathering of WW2 Legends/veterans- East Kirkby -May 2 Lincs

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Balls Crippen D I hope you both get in growing avatar syndrome
Anyway I've booked it now so shove orf one does not like to be associatted with the local rif raf ta ta "Jeeves test those cucumber sandwiches they look sullied" " more tea vicar"?

and cripps, hun, anless you want all 254 images separatly, it's gonna be a while before i can get you them pics.......
trackend said:
Balls Crippen D I hope you both get in growing avatar syndrome
Anyway I've booked it now so shove orf one does not like to be associatted with the local rif raf ta ta "Jeeves test those cucumber sandwiches they look sullied" " more tea vicar"?

ok gov, I shall stay below stairs and eat mi gruel like a gud gal, I knows mi place. Just to warn you, Jeeves gobs in the sandwiches sir...... thats no cucumber!!!!
Sorry Erich I have a tendancy waffle off thread.
Its at Duxford 9th/10th July The Flying Legands Air Show
You can find more pics and info from here under air displays


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May I ask a request ?

can some of lads/lass's take some pics please ? I am sure that was the intent between downing some brews but thought I would ask. If you catch a glimpse of a lancaster this would be excellent also any P-51' single seaters not the altered twin seat, take your babe' up for a ride a/c..........

vielen Dank !

E ~ wish I could attend
Don't worry, Erich. I'm taking down two cameras and a video camera in my party, so there's goin' to be a lot of pictures!
I was think of mounting one in between my butt cheeks so even when I bend down to tie me shoe laces I won't miss the action (tho the pics mabe a bit shitty) :rolleyes:

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