GB-46 1:48 Il-2m3 - WW2 Eastern Front / Twin Engine A/C, Transports and Gliders

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Thanks Hugh.

The trim tabs next got my attention. Period pics show these to be a unique colour and the profiles done by Massimo have them in red so that's what I went with. First came extensive masking.

I then sprayed the tabs white before applying the red. I don't know if the Tamiya red is unique in this respect but it tends to be affected by darker colours underneath so the white pre-coat is a necessary step.

The masks were then removed and the actuator arms were touched up.

The model has now received a gloss coat and has been set aside for a day or two before I can launch into the decals. Thanks again for looking in.
Decals started. Thankfully, the Russians don't seem to go overboard on stencils!

Now, the kit supplies two sets of the white inscriptions and the circular Leningrad mural in the arrow, one for each side of the fuselage. Massimo's profiles have this only on the starboard side and I trust his judgement over the kit's interpretation so, unless someone has a better view on the subject, I'll just go with the one. Opinions welcome.

I was worried about these decals due to their age and tested one of the yellow stripe ones before proceeding. Everything worked well until this star split under the decal solution. It's not too bad and can be easily touched up.

Thanks for looking.
Thanks guys.

Agreed. Went through my books and no shot of the other side. I did find a close-up of the Leningrad mural and pilot. Nothing to add to your build but I can PM it to you if you want

That's ok thanks. I think that the picture you describe is over on Massimo's site. Same mural but different airplane.
Thanks Glenn. Panel lines have been washed with Tamiya grey and black and matte coat applied. The washes are quite subtle and don't show well in this lighting. I hope to grubby the model up a bit more with some chips, scuffs, and nicks.

Worked on the exhausts off and on over the last few days, starting with drilling out the solid ends

I tried a new paint technique suggested on another forum. Though I had already shot some leftover Alcad Steel way back when, I resprayed the stacks with Tamiya Hull Red and then rubbed in some graphite pencil shavings to give it a metallic look. A bit of white pastel was then applied near the openings though it's not too noticeable.

Here's the part in place. It takes a bit of arthroscopic surgery to put these in but it does work. Not also that the gun sight has been added, as has the middle canopy section.

I'll eventually shoot on some exhaust stains after studying some photos. Thanks for looking.

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