GB 57 question

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Well it's looking like we're getting off to a great build if all join in and get cracking. Feb 1 is next Wednesday so just around the corner, leaves a month to finish GB 56!
I wish you have chosen to do the F-8. I think a/c in their original colors with different markings are very interesting....
Going back to Two.................... silly me.
Decals for the Mustang are easy, standard roundels.
The Spit? The decals I found are too Smick, these flags done in the field were a little Free Hand.
So I used actual photos and had them printed. I'm a glutton for punishment!
What am I missing? The Eduard kit that I am planing to use for 57 has a Finnish marking set. It 'appears that MT-463 was used by the Finnish air force against the Russians. So, it qualifies? However all of the builds that I have seen of this kit have the 'common' swastika on the fuselage and wings, but not the ones shown with this kit. I have tried to find this marking in 'Finnish WWII air craft' look ups but no luck. Again, what am I missing? Are these marking legit or should I apply the swastikas? Eyesight still not fixed yet, but it ain't that bad!


  • Finnish marking.jpg
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Both Latvia and Finland had "swastikas" on their aircraft (Latvia's was red on a white field) but as Geo pointed out, many countries forbid it's display, so model manufacturers alter the decals in order to comply with the law.

Many decal sets have the complete swastika, but they have to be pieced together. If your decal set just has a blue cross, look on the set to see if there are several small blue "lines" that don't seem to belong anywhere. These would be the outer portion of the swastika - four lines to per cross.
Yeah, kind of leaned towards that reason, but then I thought the swastikas are usually depicted (on the tail) as shadows or box lines. Then why not the others show as such? BUT, if I were building, in I guess Germany, and I wanted something on the fuselage, these 'substitutes' would work. The kit does have full swastikas and I'll be using them. Hope I don't offend anyone, after all it is the 21st century....

Thank you, and you to George.
The complete Finnish swastikas for MT-463 can be found in the kit decals, but printed in a "broken" manner - as a 2-piece decal:

P.S. Sorry Ralph, I didn't see you posted the information already - I wast typing at the same time.
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Some kits have the entire decal sheet; depends which country the kit is destined for. Note the dotted line. If a country prohibits swaztikas, everything above the dotted line is removed before the kit is shipped there
Hope I don't offend anyone, after all it is the 21st century....
Not to worry, this site drives for historical accuracy.

By the way, most laws allow for museums to show the actual swastika on artifacts, either Nazi or otherwise (traditional forms that predate the national socialist party) like German aircraft on display.
Interesting that Finland stopped using the swastika symbol in 2017 (aircraft in 1944), but official it was still in use.
Fins had started using of the sign on their planes long time before Hitler though about using of the symbol for the Nazis. As memo serves it was in 1918.
The history of the Finnish "Hakaristi" goes way back beyond 1918 and their aircraft, of course.

Many nations used the symbol in one way or another, like Latvia did for their Air Force as earlier mentioned.
It appeared on some Imperial German aircraft during WWI, on an American army division shoulder patch, an automaker's grill emblem and on the standard of an Imperial Roman Legion.

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