GB-62 1/48 Spitfire Mk Vb - Spitfires

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Some more cockpit work, seat and bulkhead done and instrument panel painted. It is tough trying to add small parts with that bulky bandage on my thumb but it is looking better. I took the bandage off to change it and the drill actually entered my thumb just behind the nail. The wife thinks I may lose the nail.
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When the Ikea instructions read 'hit the nail solidly', were the illustrations not clear enough? I need to look more closely at your posts:arghh:
I have the dark green sprayed, now for the final color ocean grey. This green looks too dark to me but it is the same dark green I used on my Airfix Mk. XII.
Tamiya has, and does, provide many builder friendly features. The full scale camo being one of the most useful. This along with their usually superb mold and fit kits, are one of the reasons that I will choose them as a first choice selection for a model kit. A pity, they are not that deep into providing a very large type selection!

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