GB-63 1/48 Bf 108B-2 Taifun - Stormy Weather

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Spritz, spritz, spritz. Did the RLM02 bits, Tamiya XF22-RLM Grey/XF49-Khaki, 1/1. It could probably use a toothpick dab more of Khaki to get it to match Mr Hobby but close enough

Cockpit 98% complete. Wash using Citadel Gryphonne Sepia and Winsor & Newton Matte. Still searching other builds for that sweet spot on bringing it all together but everyone has an issue no one else has. Leaning on putting the cockpit together and inserting it up into the glued together fuselage. One builder said his front and rear bulkhead fits were atrocious but mine seem to be very nice. This method will be fiddly as the bulkheads are a flush fit


While going through my limited 108 resources I noticed something Eduard, and other builders, including what I would call, "expert" builders go wrong. The elevator struts are upside down, the fat end should be positioned against the elevator, not the fuselage. This is how they should look....


Model Detail Photo Monograph No.4
One of my engine bearers was broken on the sprue so waiting for glue to set up before continuing
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Innards have togetherness. Several parts did not have attachment points, just shaded areas on the instructions. I must have attached what ever it is the arrow is pointing to slightly too far forward and it interferes with the front cap fitting; no biggie, a bit of sanding



A test fit into the fuselage shows promise, maybe a bit of sanding under the cockpit floor
Obviously some very fine tolerances to play with. Nice simple detail but not sure if I'd want to be in the same space as the fuel tank, if that is what it is on the back seat area. Oh the fumes! :lol:

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