Geedee and Rocketeer's 8th Army Air Force Tailwheel Tour 2012

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Oh well,my wit fails again!

As Gary said, Boxted was the last stop of the tour. It was a bit of a sad moment putting the wheels to bed after the trip....

Quite fitting that Gary got to pose one last time with my wheels!!


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As a sign off, I will leave you with a couple of pix from Debden (we went to yesterday) - it fell off this tour, but will likely make the next.

The 2012 tailwheel tour was born out of the Battle of Britain pilgrimage I organised a couple of years ago. Gary was keen to do a US 8th AF trip as was I....especially with the acquisition of the B17 tailwheel from Arizona. It was hard work to organise, plan etc but was great fun. I recommend you all try it one day. It wont be the last we do....there is at least a Bommber Command tour and a 'proper' Bo B tour up the sleeves as well as P38 and B24 bases....So that all folks!!! For the time being!

Seasons greetings! Rocketeer over and out


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Great stuff Tony, and thanks for a fantastic tour - just the thing I've been wanting to do for years, since 'doing' some Bomber Command fields back in the early 1980s. BTW, is Debden still occupied by the Army? Last time I was there was in 1992 - had a quick pint in the village pub, opposite the camp.
Thanks again chaps, and if you can't make the next one, we'll deffo be doing another thread !
Thanx one and all. It has been a pleasure. We already have a few thoughts about the next tour.
Happy holidays, Merry Christmas to one and all...Tony

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