German AFV Pictures.

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the lancaster kicks ass said:
maybe it's just hiding, laying an ambust along the road, we'd expect it to be in the road but you can clearly see it's trying to hide behind a small tree ;)

Oh yes of-cause, I see, and that big hole in the side the upper hull must be there for better access in and out of the tank, how genius! :rolleyes: :D
Erich said:
notice also the other Panther in the background pushed off the side of the road ..

Yes thats right, they were probably both victim to allied air attacks.

Some pictures of the very deadly Jagdpanther, notice the rounds on the side of the JP in the first picture, both are AP rounds:


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Erich said:
Soren the Tiger and that Panther were abondoned and pushed off the side of the road by heavy Allied mechs, not popped by Allied jabo's

Yes, have I said any different ?

Those two Panther's up there were probably first knocked out by allied fighter bombers, and afterwards cleared from the road by allied bulldozer's.

I don't think they've been abandoned, since the large hole in one of the Panthers upper hull seems to indicate its been under attack.
The last of the pictures from the Tiger Ausf.B's testing phase:


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I must be blind I see schurzen ripped off the left side of the Panther and then tossed against the bank, the farthest Panther has been pushed into the building, there is no apparent reason to believe they have been under air attack, but most likely if done could of received AT hits. problem is we have only the rear of these two Panzers to view. This is all atypical of Normandie and the Ardenne. Abandoned to whatever cuases and then thrust out of the way to unplug traffic systems
I seriously doubt this kind of damage could've been caused by an AP round, however it looks alot like its been hit by a rocket.

A whole section of armor has been ripped off, that kind of damage can only be caused by explosives.


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it doesn't appear to be that much damage though as one rocket would do much. the barrel cleaning rod carrier is just sitting there and as I said without a before and after pic it is hard to tell, obviously some damage to the left track also not seeing a larger pic and I mean a panorama had it been a rocket attack there would be more physical damage to the landscape but we are limited due to the photo
Erich said:
it doesn't appear to be that much damage though as one rocket would do much. the barrel cleaning rod carrier is just sitting there and as I said without a before and after pic it is hard to tell, obviously some damage to the left track also not seeing a larger pic and I mean a panorama had it been a rocket attack there would be more physical damage to the landscape but we are limited due to the photo

I agree its hard to tell exactly what happened, but my best guess is that its been hit by a rocket on the upper hull. And the fact that we can't see any damage to the landscape is most likely simply because the tank has been moved from the place where it was hit.

However hitting the tank on the upper hull wouldn't necessarily leave any scars on the landscape, just scatter debris everywhere.

I think its very likely that a small rocket could've ripped off that piece of armor, looks consistant with other photo's of Pz's victim to airattacks I've seen.
ok lets think further on this about rocket attacks. most likely becuase of its weight it would be dead on the road and simply pushed to one side-the right for ease of difficulty. One rocket agasint the panther then is a good shot but since rockets are fired in slavoes from Typhoons ?, then there would of been mulitple explosions in the area and because of the viewpoint we have from this photo we cannot ascertain just whatelse may have been hit or damaged, including the surroundings scenery. the road itslef and the grounds around the Panther would have been plowed up pretty good
Considdering the height of the tank, the other rockets fired most likely hit the bank of the right side of the road, leaving no scars on the road itself.

The earth does seem abit plowed behind that first Panther..

Another possibility is that any craters in the road were leveled by the Allies, as supply trucks and such would otherwise have difficulties crossing.
Possibly however I doubt it. I believe it was knocked out by something on the ground and then later was plowed over onto its side to make room for either A. Retreating German forces or B. Advancing Allied Forces.
it does appear too that the Panther in the foreground may have been pilfered by treasure seekers as well after the hit and before being pushed off the road in a very weird canted position. I am looking at what appears to be camo or shelter poncho or ? plus look at the engine plugs popped off.

another note is the left side of the turret, hard to tell if the marking going vertically on the turret side is from flame/smoke or is it camo ? the photo does not reveal enough info
Well we can safely say it wasn't taken out by an AP round, as the damage caused bares no relation to that at all. But they might have been ambushed by Allied infantry, who placed explosives on the tanks to knock them out.

I'd say its fifty fifty, either they were knocked out by air, or they were taken out by Allied infantry. Those two scenario's were the most often appearing in the Normandy region.
I'm going to be boring and show this!


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