German aircraft crashing photo: real?

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Oct 5, 2006
I found this picture on a few different sites on the web. Anyone know if it's authentic because it's an amazing photo.


  • 1_001.jpg
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It's not from the BoB movie Dave, but it might very well be from a much earlier movie, the title of which escapes me, made either during the war, or very soon afterwards. I can't be sure, but i think this might be a 'still' of a Woodason model of a JU88, used in the above movie, 'shot down' over the sea IIRC, and has been superimposed onto a background of trees.
Of course, it could also be a doctored clip from gun camera footage, heavily re-touched and superimposed.
BTW, the picture of the pilot ejecting from the vertical Lightning is not a fake! It was a chance in a million pic, caught as the aircraft was on finals after a test flight from the factory. Suffering a total shut-down of all systems, the aircraft went nose down, and the pilot, George Aird, ejected, landing in a greenhouse of a gardening small holding. When I worked for a multi-national photographic company, I had copies of the original print, and some of the parachute harness and canopy lying in the greenhouse. At that time, George was the pilot of the BAe owned Mosquito (since lost in a fatal crash at Barton, Manchester), and I showed him the copies of the prints, and asked him about his experience. He confirmed that the photo was genuine (which we knew at the Big Yellow Box from analysis), and that is him punching out, when he swung once under a full canopy, before plunging through the roof of the greenhouse.
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Battle Damage... Or one of those crazy air stuntmen that has decided to ride the bird in...

Or a camera

Or (and this is the most likely answer) a Chemtrail generator!!! The government was trying to poison us in the 1940's!!!! (sorry, was reading the chemtrail form)
Bit like this


NOT a fake. EE Lightening XG322 suffered a control failiure just ten seconds from landing on 13 Sept 1962. The man ejecting is test pilot George Aird. He landed on a commercial greenhouse breaking both legs. The photographer was a professional who was photographing agricultural subjects and just happened to be in the right place at the right time.
Thanks Steve. You've confirmed what I posted previously. Really nice bloke George, with some great tales from his wartime exploits - often in the pub! Sadly, I think he's now passed.

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