German Aircraft that could deliver The Bomb

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Yup, very big bangs across a large stretch of land. Apparently it was quite clearly heard and felt in the UK. Hill 60 crater today.

Great War Tour 197

This is the crater caused by Scottish mining of German trenches in the Somme campaign a year earlier, it was at the time believed to be the loudest bang recorded by a man made explosion - the Lochnagar crater.

Great War Tour 31
In reality (I know, I know), had the Germans possessed a nuclear weapon, I can guarentee you that it would gave been unleashed on the Soviets at the earliest opportunity.

While Hitler may have had reservations about war with Britain and did not really like the U.S., he had nothing but an unhealthy hatred of the Soviet Union and the total extermination of their people was right up there with Jews.

A nuclear weapon (or several) would have been a perfect way to get rid of those pesky Reds...
The Germans had a solid head start, but several contributing factors caused the German atomic program to atrophy and the U.S. to take the lead.

Here is an excellent and detailed overview of the German atomic program:

Read the article, they did initially.
But with segregated groups, rivalries, procrastination and so on, they screwed themselves.

You could *almost* replace the word "atomic program" with the word "jet program" and come to the exact same conclusion.

I don't agree. Developing the jet engine and developing a fissile weapon are two different orders of industrial capacity.

What are you on about? If you cannot be respectful, you're out of here.
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