Get Lucky!

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I trotted down one isle and crossed over to another, trying to put distance and cars between me and the bald-headed farts. A quick look behind me and I could see that the seven dwarves had now joined in the chase along with 2 cab drivers. I ducked down next to an Opel and moved towards a line of plastic outhouses (Johnnie-On-The-Spot!) along the edge of the parking lot. Maybe I could hide in one of these for a few minutes while my pursuers played Moron Tag. As I moved down the row of port-a-potties, I couldn't find one door that was open. Just my luck but I had already relieved myself. As I neared the end of the line, a door suddenly burst open and out stepped the occupant, followed by a stink that immediately curled my nostril hairs.

It was Room Service Mamu, the back of her neck looking like a package of sausages and a face like a burst haggis.

She saw me and squealed.
"Hi Honey! What you doing? We never did finish, now did we, sugar."
Looking at her in the daylight, I wanted to gouge my eyes out. Even her shadow weighed 50 pounds! She had more rolls than a bakery and it must have taken her two trips to haul ass. The smell that overwhelmed me, I can only describe as someone set a German Shepherd on fire then pissed on it to put the fire out. It was an excellent time to become a missing person.
"Converse with any whales lately?' I blurted out and started running again.

The ground shook as she took her first steps after me and I could see that the other group of knuckleheads had seen me and the Half-track and started in our direction. It was getting hairy around here and I had to find a way out. I ran towards the festival stadium, gulping in large gasps of foul air. The festival was inside a large stadium and I didn't have a ticket to get in. I ran up onto the concourse, pushing people out of the way but not as many as Roseanne behind me who barrelled herself across the concrete and the crowds. It was like Moses and the Red Sea. The Mickey Mouse Club was right behind her - the 'BSG', the security guards and the doctor. But as they ran, others in the crowd started to join in the rampage. It was Black Friday at Wal-Mart as more and more people started running with the mobile riot. A couple of Police officers that were standing at a few gates started to take swings at the mob as they ran past. Several went down with bloody shins. Then I saw the bloody rugby team from the airplane, appear from behind a beer cart and join in the mad rush, tossing and shoving people like they were in a game. Where the 'ell did they come from? They still had the blonde passenger and her kid tumbling among them.

I was running out of options and out of concourse. I tried throwing a vendor selling deep-fried Snausages into their path but they kept on coming. I tripped a group of Girl Scouts selling cookies but that didn't phase them. On they came like greyhounds after a rabbit. I finally noticed an opening in the side of the stadium, a doorless hole that led to a tunnel, just below a large "W". Reaching the doorway, I darted in and tripped, falling against the wall in a heap. Sitting on my butt, I slowly scooted away from the tunnel entrance.

My Luck, I thought, was running out.


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I could hear the mob approaching the tunnel entrance. I felt like Stanley Baker waiting behind a mealy bag. The sound they made reminded me of a train racing through a mountain, a CH-47 zooming in at tree-top level, my mother when she found my report card. I frantically checked my surroundings for any type of weapon, anything to defend myself with. I found nothing. A quick check of my pockets revealed that I only had a train ticket and a T206 Honus Wagner baseball card. I could'nt even protect myself against a caterpillar if I needed to! I was sitting on my butt, facing the entrance and I could feel warm blood start to ooze down my leg. I must have cut myself when I tripped. The sounds of the mob got closer and I painfully pulled myself up to a standing position. The first shadow appeared at the entrance as I slowly, painfully, cautiously backed away.

But I got Lucky.

The first to the entrance was Berta the she-hippo. She stopped for a second, adjusting to the darkness of the tunnel, cast her eyes on me and smiled with teeth so yellow, she could spit butter.
"Let's play house. You be the door and I'll slam you." she said and stepped into the tunnel.

That was as far as she went.

The tunnel wasn't as wide as she thought and immediately got herself stuck against the walls as she tried to reach for me. Her face went blank and it was my turn to smile. But that wasn't the end. The mob behind her couldn't stop their momentum and plowed into her, further shoving her into the tunnel. There was a collective "ooommpff" as the human cork became wedged between the concrete walls with no hope of moving. My smile turned into a laugh as I could hear one after another of the mob banging up against the mass that was the Room Service From Hell. I thought her eyes were gonna pop out! Various sounds of pain burst forth from behind her including one loud voice that yelled "gopfverdamigopfverdeggelhuereverdamtesiechnonemol!"

Laughing out loud until it hurt, I started to walk towards the other end of the tunnel. Reaching the end I walked into the sunlight that poured down. It was the festival and there was a throng of people, packed tighter than a frog's ass. There was one particularly annoying group, holding signs and chanting "Primus! Primus!" I wanted to hit them with their signs!

What was I doing?!I thought. I was bleeding, tired and hungry. I had been squashed like an insect a few times and forced to eat something I wouldn't use toliet paper on. I had met people ( a loose term) that needed instructions on how to use a rocking chair. There were too many freaks and not enough circuses. And I had been prevented from peeing so long I though the Guiness people would show up at my office. And where the hell was Lucky??? I was never going to be able to find him in this mass of flesh and British Sterling. And why should I? He never did anything to me. Usually I take a case because it had some redeeming value to it. But there was nothing even remotely redeeming in finding Lucky or finishing this trek. It had been a mess since the beginning and I didn't care anymore. It was time to end this carouselambra. Limping into the crowd and the bright sunshine, I grabbed a sign and started chanting along.

Getting Lucky would have to wait for another day.


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This day I come to you with a message of leave-taking and farewell, and to share a few final thoughts with you, my forum members. I pray that the coming years will be blessed with peace and prosperity for all. First, I should like to express my gratitude to BBC 61 for the opportunities they have given me over the years to bring "Get Lucky" to our community. My special thanks go to them for the opportunity of addressing you this evening.

We now stand 265 posts past the beginning of this thread that has witnessed four major wars among great nations. Three of these involved our own forum among a few un-named members. Despite these holocausts, BBC 61 is today the strongest, the most influential, and most productive program station in the world. Understandably proud of this pre-eminence, we yet realize that BBC 61's leadership and prestige depend, not merely upon our unmatched viewing progress, riches and military strength, but on how we use our power in the interests of world peace and human betterment. Happily, I can say that Swedish expansion has been avoided. Steady progress toward our ultimate goal has been made. But so much remains to be done. As a private citizen, I shall never cease to do what little I can to help the forum advance along that road.

So, in this my last good night to you as your narrator, I thank you for the many opportunities you have given me for public service in war and in peace and the side job at Hooters. I trust that in that service you find some things worthy. As for the rest of it, I know you will find ways to improve performance in the future.

You and I, my fellow members, need to be strong in our faith that all nations and stupid sitcoms, under God, will reach the goal of peace with justice. May we be ever unswerving in devotion to principle, confident but humble with power, diligent in pursuit of the Forum's great goals and a disposable camera for those magical moments when a P-51 zooms overhead unexpectedly.

Now, on Friday noon, I am to become a private citizen. I am proud to do so. I look forward to it. And don't forget to "Get Lucky!"

Thank you, and good night.


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I started getting Writer's Block. Need some time to recharge and....Get Lucky. I don't know how some writers do it day in and day out but maybe they don't have a pimary job to support them!

But you can still play! I referenced 21 movies throughout the thread. Can you name them?
Njaco, I and all the members here on the forum "Got Lucky", lucky to count you as friend and a fellow brother....

I'll go back to the start, and read this all once again, outstanding work!
Same here, Lucky, most definately same here!

There are also 8 songs/muscians referenced and of course how many celebrities in that group pic. have fun!

Heres a hint: Post #146 referenced a movie that we've all seen and love. Think warplane movies.
I have spent the last 40 minutes at the library reading GET LUCK. It is a work of art better than anything on the tube. I have been told that I am making to much noise laughing and have been asked to leave. I proudly add Get Luck to the ever growing list of reasons I have been ask to leave a building. But this is the first time that drinks were not involved. I will drink one for you tonight. I cannot wait for the spinoffs the start.

Ok, here are the movie references:

Post# 17 - Monty Python and the Holy Grail
The tall one spoke; "We are the Guards Who Say... Nee!"

Post# 31 - Apocalypse Now
The room reminded me of the opening scene of
"Apocalypse Now", with a fan so low it was keeping the grass cut on the bed.

Post# 113 - Marathon Man
"Is it safe?"

Post# 113 - The Prisoner / TV show
"You are Number 6." he replied

Post# 123 - Batman Begins
-batmobile in the pic-

Post# 136 - The Rockford Files / TV show
Sam gives up on the Lucky case and hires Jim Rockford from California

Post# 146 - The Battle of Britain
a falling-down nasty wooden shack full of dead flies with a sign across the front that read, "The South (something) Flying Club".

Post# 171 - Nightmare at 20,000 feet / Twilight Zone
"There is some sort of alien creature, hoping around on the wing of the plane. Its not falling off."

Post# 186 _ Heroes / TV show
"Save the Cheerleader, Save the world."

Post# 193 - Airplane
"The white zone is for immediate loading and unloading of passengers only,

Post# 200 - The Lord of the Rings / Hobbit
"There and Back Again" on the Monopoly board

Post# 205 - Survivor / TV Show
Have you completed the Immunity Challenge? The Tribal Council is in an hour

Post# 216 - Alien
-letter from fans-

Post# 216 - Raiders of the Lost Ark
-letter from fans-

Post# 216 - The Matrix
-letter from fans-

Post# 221 - Babe
'That'll do, pig." he replied

Post# 229 - Logan's Run
"All of my cats have names."

Post# 231 - Mad Max
A '73 Australian Ford XB GT Falcon with a Weiand supercharger on top of a 300bhp 351ci V8 with a 4-Speed Toploader.

Post# 249 - South Park / TV show
-cartoon pic-

Post# 261 - Its a Mad, Mad, Mad World
Overhead was a large "W".

I want to thank all of you guys for the great comments. Didn't know if this was gonna last past 5 posts but what a trip. Now to figure what comes next or how we are gonna get Lucky!
Chris, my hat goes off to ya mate. You came up with the funniest and best thread (in my opinion) on the forum. Loved every minute of it.

Thanks mate!!!!
and for the music bits and who's who in the pic.

Post# 1 - Loverboy
- pic of the album "Get Lucky" -

Post# 105 - Brittany Spears "One More Time"
"Hit me baby one more time!"

Post# 123 - Abbey Road
- Paul McCartney from the album behind the Batmobile -

Post# 193 - Genesis "The Grand Parade"
"A grand parade of lifeless packaging. I sat up on the moving bed."

Post# 231 - Rush "Red Barchetta"
""My uncle has a country place that no one knows about. He says it used to be a farm before the motor laws......"
And with that he pulled the tarp off."

Post# 233 - Tom Petty "Runnin' Down a Dream"
"It was a beautiful day, the sun beat down. I had the radio on and I was drivin'. I felt so good, like anything was possible I hit the cruise control and rubbed my eyes. I was workin' on a mystery, goin' wherever it leads.

Post# 257 - Brittany Spears "Oops, I did it again"
A Sinead O'Connor freak in the back suddenly shouted, "Oops!...I did it again" and farted.

Post# 264 - Led Zeppelin "In Through The Out Door"
"It was time to end this carouselambra."

Patrick McGoohan - The Prisoner
Chuck Yeager
John Lennon
Tony Blair
James Garner - Jim Rockford
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Farrah Fawcett
Phoebe Cates
Clint Eastwood
George Bush
Paula Abdul
Angelina Jolie
Steve McQueen
Lucky, a question. Was it what you thought it would be from the beginning? I remember you're comment, this ought to be interesting. Had me cracking up!

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