Get Lucky!

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It took me a year and a half but I finally made it to the 'Brown Willie' for my meeting. I had left Dixie at the office to look over the strange collection of junk that was showing up at my door. She wasn't happy but eventually went off to play with the left-over food that was starting to grow into something from a John Carpenter movie. I didn't care. I was bugged that someone had my number and was punking me! Pis og papir! Besides, Dixie was starting to hurt my eyes.

I finally found the 'Brown Willie' in a dark, dank, nondescript alley between a Wal-Mart and a Dairy Queen. The street light was encrusted with the remains of bugs past and cast a sick brown glow across the concrete. I think it was concrete. There was so much trash and garbage, I almost couldn't see the ground. I expected a naked Arnold to show up in a flash of lightning at any moment. A mumble and a moan issued from a debris pile along a long wall and my hand grasped the handle of the Desert Eagle that Dixie had given me and I had stuffed in my beltline. The trash pile started to move and slowly rose to a sitting position. It was a displaced republican smelling of moldy onions and burning human hair. I asked where the pub was and he directed me further down the wall to a thin door cut into the facade. There was a small sign next to the opening that read "BW". In smaller lettering underneath, it read "Ear Enemas 3 doors down". Paint was peeling off the wood as I slowly pushed the door open.

Inside I walked into a purple painted vestibule with chocolate trim. There was a podium and a chair stained in a deep brown. A familiar shade of brown. A girl behind the podium smiled and welcomed me to the Brown Willie.
"I have an appointment. " I said and gave her my name. She handed me a piece of black cloth.
"And here are your shades." she said. She had about as much class as a lawn flamingo.
"What the hell are these for?" I asked, getting ready for the inevitable suspension of reality.
"You have to wear it. We're a blind restaurant." she snickered.
"A what?!" I spurtted. I suddenly had an urge to lake a teak.
"A blind restuarant. All our employees are blind and so in order for people to experience what it is like to be blind, our restuarant has no lights and is completely dark. In order to truly understand what blind folk go through we also require you to wear an eye shade. No worries, sir, we guarantee you will enjoy the food and the atmosphere."

No wonder whoever it was testing my patience selected this dump as a meeting place. I wouldn't be able to see him! Rend mig i røven! "Lets get this over with!" I thought to myself as I placed the shade over my eyes and waved her onward. She grabbed my hand and we entered the darkened chamber with me mumbling gå agurk to myself.


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It's way too hard to try and type, I'm laughing SO hard here!
It's those danish expressions that are poked in here and there in the story that gets me...gawd!
Ouch, my stomach! GASP! Subscription added!
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"He's back, he's bad, and THIS time, he's REALLY mad! Get Lucky III - The Revenge!

Join the continuing adventures of our intrepid hero, SAM SLADE, as he makes his way through the knee deep slop and scum of society with nothing but his wits and master intellect (some money would be nice too, but hey, you get that on the big jobs..) in his struggle to defeat the sinister forces of intrigue and mayhem, and solve the case of riddles to finally...


**Surgeon general warning: Do not attempt to view this thread whist eating runny foods, such as cornflakes, porridge or last month's lamb chops, or whilst in the vicinity of a straw (drinking milkshakes, snorting coke, etc). Not only may it cause unwanted accidents, but you will look like an idiot to anyone in the vicinity too, along the lines of the 'hey remember the time..?' type that always gets remembered at parties, weddings, and some of the more interesting funerals.

(Great stuff Chris! When are ya gonna publish this stuff??)
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Now THAT'S what I call an ENTRANCE, Chris!!!

DAILY NEWS: Monday 17 May. In a show-stopping return performance, the much loved character Sam Slade not only brought the house down, but the whole f***ing forum with it... (Reuters)
I was thrust into darkness.

O dark dark dark. They all go into dark, the vacant interstellar space, the vacant into the vacant.

The hostess led me to a table - probably in an inky corner and helped me to sit down. I detected strong odors of mutton, falukorv and Chanel #5, all mingled together like someone sneezed in my mouth. For being in perpetual blackness, the place hummed with voices and farting which added to the cornucopia of smells. God, what a dining experience! It was taking all of my effort to just sit there like a dunce, waiting for the next shoe to drop. Which I hoped would be soon.

"How about a menu?" I asked before realizing how stupid that question was.
"Oh there isn't a menu, Mr. Slade. I can tell you what we have....." I cut her off in mid-sentence.
"Don't bother," I said as the sounds of an argument started to drift my way from the next table, "Just bring me a dirty fork from a previous customer, I'll smell it and order from there."
The argument was getting louder and I could sense the hostess wasn't paying too much attention to me. One of the participants in the scuffle shouted, "Min igelkot e inte dum."
"Wait," I semi-shouted above the growing rukus, "make that a Bruichladdich." The neighbors were starting to get on my nerves. The hostess slurred out a half-hearted "Yes sir" and I could tell she had drifted off as I couldn't smell the stench of feet anymore.

The debate next to me turned into a boxing match. I could hear the sliding of chairs quickly moving away from a table and then the mingled sounds of exertion mixed with gasps and screams. One of the dolts must have slipped and his leg whacked my chair, knocking me forward onto my table. Alright, that was enough! I pulled the cloth shade off my head. But everything was still the same! It was still dark, darker than the Million Man March. Ali and Foreman were still trading blows (how they could see each other was beyond me!) and that made me angrier. Suddenly I shouted, "I bet $10 on the one with the knife!" Immediately I could hear chairs and tables being flung over and feet running for the exit. I could tell a few ran full on into the walls. As the noise of crying babies and hurt feelings slowly subsided, a grubby voice whispered from out of the gloom.

"Impressive, Mr. Slade."


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Although it was black as the Earl of Hell's Waistcoat!, I could sense that whoever spoke was sitting across from me at the table. He had a voice so husky it could have pulled a dogsled. I reached out for my chair, found it and sat down. I couldn't see anything. But the rush of people to the exits had left one of the doors slightly open which allowed a small sliver of light to permeate the dark. All I could see of my guest was his two front teeth which looked like a couple of Chiclets that weren't on speaking terms.

"Hur står det till?" he said, and I caught a whiff of stale Guinness from across the table. I half expected Anthony Zerbe to reach out with a semi-smoked cigar and offer it to me. My left hand clutched the handle of the Desert Eagle from under the table and I casually leaned back in my chair. I suddenly felt another presence next to me and a waitress asked from out of the oily gloom if she could get us anything to drink. Her voice was quite charming in a sleazy, condescending, I-Get-Paid-To-Harrass-People kind of way and I ordered a vodka tonic. My spooky guest was silent. Just as well.

After she had gone, Darth Goofball spoke again.
"Nu är det kokta fläsket stekt."
"How about some introductions first? Who the 'ell are you?" I spit out, not the least happy with the 76ers lately.
"You already know my name." he said. My right hand felt the paper with the list of names in my pocket.
"Maybe I do and maybe I don't." I replied. I slowly went over the list in my mind which was a difficult thing to do.
Charles Luciano.
The waitress came back with my drink.
Slevin Kelevra.
I swirled the watery vodka and tonic and wondered why I had.
Major Roy Franklin.
I puffed air from my mouth, feeling the vodka slide down to my stomach and igniting the flesh along the way. I think I would be putting a toilet in therapy soon.
Mr. Emerson Lake Palmer.

There was something funny about the names that I couldn't quite place, and the thought stuck with me throughout the rest of the day, like those tiny little bits of the circumferent skin from the bologna slices on a foot-long Subway Cold Cut Trio that get stuck in between the last two molars on the upper left, on the tongue side where you can't possibly reach them with a toothpick, your fingernails, or even a systematically straightened paper clip, they just sit there and make everything you eat at your next meal taste vaguely like vinegar and mayonnaise, and then somehow -- quietly but miraculously -- they disappear by themselves in the middle of the night while you're asleep. Then it came to me!

"You're Lucky!" I blurted.


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