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Yes... I think you should let know the Airfix about these missing parts. But which is the missing part of the wheel?

As far as the colour of the cockpit interior for the Ju 87B is concerned the RLM02 was used untill 1941 then it was RLM66. But now we know that the RLM66 appeared there much earlier, about the Summer of 1940. And you can follow this colour.
Hi Marcel. The Ju87B was still painted in RLM02 in the cockpit, with a RLM66 instrument panel and radios. As for missing parts, have a look in the box, as there should be a small slip of paper with parts request details, and a return address. If it's not there, write to Hornby Hobbies Ltd., Margate, Kent CT9 4JX, England, UK.
Mark the top of the letter 'Airfix - missing parts', and include details of the kit name and number, the part(s) and the part number(s), stating that these parts are missing. Check the rest of the kit parts and decals for any missing or damaged items first, and include any in the letter.
This can also be done by e-mail, but I don't have the full e-mail address to hand at the moment - can get it if you need it.
You should receive replacement parts, free of charge, within a week or two.
Okay, I ordered the missing parts.
Another question:
Does anyone have a convertion table for rlm colors to Humbrol? I need to know which colour to buy for the interior.

And does anyone have a clue if the spinners of 5 Staffel/Stukageschwader 2 had red spinners?

I found the following numbers, can anyone confirm this?
RLM02: Humbrol 141
RLM66: Humbrol 32
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According to FalkeEins set ( used by him ) RLM66 - Humbrol 67 that perfect matches. For the RLM02 - Humbrol 78 with some of grey colour. However according to him the colour is a bit too light and too green. I agree with him on that. But I prefere the Humbrol 84.

As far as the Hu141.... It can be used. But it is a little bit too light.


Hu141 Hu84


Hu32 is a good equivalent of FS 36081. So you can use this one too.

Hu32 Hu67
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Thanks Wojtek, you're the best So 67 and 84 it is.
Good thread on the spinner. Nice to see that Karl also build this kit. I think I'll do the same and only use the red band.
Well underway, but just noticed airfix is also politcal correct and doesn't supply swastika's. Wasn't there anyone earlier in this thread offering 1/48 swasika's for a Stuka? 8)
I think I can possibly help there Marcel, I'll check my spare decals and let you know. But please remind me, as I may forget - it's the fault of that Alzheimer's Ale served in the pub!
Thanks Terry, I'll definately remind you. I have that Alzeheimers Ale here as well, the Belgian kind which is the best as you know for forgetting everything. I would like to share with you if it wasn't for that damn Northsea between us.
Alzeheimer Ale... I was sure you were talking about the German who likes hidding of our items from us.
No, that's Leutnant Vairsitgon!
Got a couple of swastikas for you Marcel, I'll get them in the mail early next week, when I go to the Post Office with other stuff.
Guys, need alittle help here. I have no idea how to mask so you can make a red band on the spinner like shown below.

Edit: been trying for the last hour to cut little strips of maskingtape, around 2 mm thick and apply in length from tip to the edge of the ring. So the 2mm sides of all these strips form the edge of the ring. Realy tedious work and the result is less than satisfactory. It appears to be very tricky to follow the curve, so the ring appeares edgy, with little corners in it and not all smooth. Seems like this is a little too much for my skills.
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Marcel... paint the spinner red. Then cut off two very narrow (thin) strips of masking tape. Use them for masking top and bottom edges of the red strip. Then mask the red area between these two thin strips. You can do that with another wider strip of masking tape or Humbrol Maskol for instance. And then paint the entire spinner with RLM70. Also you can cut one strip of the masking tape and mask the red area with one strip only.
Thanks Wojtek seems to be more doable, although I have problems getting the straight masking strips into a curve. How narrow should the strips be? A few millimeter?

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