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I'll drink some tea to your health there then :)
Found out that the ruder is not correct as there's too much room between it and the fuselage. I already glued it so it cannot be helped anymore. Furthermore I made the mistake to attach the tailwheel which naturally broke off. Did I say I was a noob? :lol:
Anyway started the darker cammo. And see below the result so far. Still have to do a lot and only have so much time so the rest will have to wait:


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Looking good Marcel. However these camo spots were on the fuselage as well. Also I would sugest using strips of masking tape for painting these geometric spots. It'll make spot edges going straight.
Looking good Marcel. However these camo spots were on the fuselage as well. Also I would sugest using strips of masking tape for painting these geometric spots. It'll make spot edges going straight.

I know Wojtek, but I didn't get that far yet. If you look closely you'll see that even these spots are not all finished. They are painted with the help of tape, hence the nice straight edges that you see.
Terry, been watching this thread, no one has mentioned Future (varnish?) or Microset for the decals. Especially the microset which made my decals look 1000% better.
I'm also an Acrylic painter so once done 50-50 future and flat acrylic clear sprayed over the entire model
Thanks guys. I see that I make mistakes in details, but the model itself is also not very accurate. Well I just make the best I can I guess.
Future or Microset varnish eh? Thanks I'll look that up.

Has anyone details of the right frontside of the fuselage? I've been using Wojtek's pictures earlier in the thread as reference and they have been a great help, but that part is not very clear. I mean from the side of the cockpit and the cowling. The side of the cockpit is partly covered by the wing and the front side is a bit fussy in my perception. No hurry as I will be in the US for a week and won't be able to work on this during that time.
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Future Floor Wax, In some areas its Pledge With Future and then it has like 70 names in other countries. Theres a site on the web if you search how to use Future Floor Wax it should be among the first, I'll pm you the name of the site and url.

From that site it says:

Netherlands - In superstore's like Edah and C-1000. Also look in "Super de Boer" and 'Albert Heijn' which is locally referred to as 'AH'.

Where you can find future in NL. :)

Hope that helps, let me know if you can't find it :)
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I'll see what I can find in the way of profiles and pics showing what you want Marcel.
BTW, the Micro Sol and Micro Set are decal solutions, to help the decals conform and set without showing 'silvering'. Personally, I only use the 'Sol', as I think they could very well both be more or less the same chemical, which is rather like the old Kodak 'Photoflo' judging by the smell.
Marcel, The microsol or -set are solutions that somewhat dislove the decal which then TOTALLY conforms to the models surface looking like it was painted on rather than just a decal. Future is an acrylic "paint" and is clear. It's great on canopys making them look like glass. It's somewhat tedious but WELL worth the effort: Paint the model, use a sharp pencil to enhance panel, rivits, rudder/aleiron joints, cover entire model with Future, Microsol spot where decal is going, place decal, paint decal with -sol or -set, entire model with 50-50 mixture of Future and matte-clear. My decals always looked like cr*p until the great guys on this site clued me into this procedure. Next is weathering the model which is a true art form
Okay, an overview so far. Propeller and canopy are not glued on, yet. Tomorrow I'm on the plane to the USA, so the rest will have to wait for a week. A pitty, just got the hang of it. It's quite addictive.


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Okay I survived the USA and am home safely. Still feel a little fussy because of jetlag and a bad cold that I got in Boston. I had a 'culture shock' when visiting an NBA game, Boston Celtics vs Milwaukee Bucks. Didn't folow the game that much, but enjoyed watching the audience and the show. I don't mean this in a bad way, but it was quite different from Dutch sport events, I can tell you that. And Terry, I photographed one of the ships at the Teaparty museum. I wanted to send you some "Boston Teaparty tea" which was actually sold in the shops, but did not know how to send it, sorry.

Anyway. thanks to Rogi I've been reading a nice website about the use of future and I googled myself somewhat, too. It appears that future is sold in the NL as "Parket Plus". On a Dutch Forum I read that the old verion looked fine, but they improved the formula and now it doesn't work anymore. I'm not sure what to try.

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