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Just managed to get a bottle of the new (UK) formula which, although it looks different, apparently works OK. I haven't tried it as yet, but will be doing so in the next couple of days - so fingers crossed.
@ Marcel,

Future-like products are still somewhat out there in Dutch supermarkts, but it's no longer sold as 'Parket Plus' They mess around with the formula and launch it every so many months under a new name. It used to be 'future' like everywhere elese except under a different brand/name, but that no longer the case. Those newer formula's tend to work a little bit differently indeed, but with a little practise and trial-and-error you still can lay down a perfectly good sturdy gloss coat, at least sufficiently glossy to place decals in a orderly manner, and strong enough to protect your paint work. As I happen to have an uncle who travels to the US from time to time for business I hope to be able to get him to pick up a bottle of future from the US for me some time to see how that might work, but to my experience it can be done perfectly good with products available here in The Netherlands.

Either way, I'll reffer to my reply on the PM for further details on what I use.

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Okay, I bought some "Pledge Extra Protection wax vloer" after recommendation by jjp_nl (thanks) There seems to be to versions of it, one is 10ct more expensive, but the bottles were so like eachother that I didn't see the difference, so as a real Dutchman I bought the cheapes one :D
I tried it this morning on some plastic that I painted with one of my matt paints and it looked good, so I tried it on the model as well. It's drying now so I keep my fingers crossed. I'm a bit in a hurry now as Sunday is the my father-in-law's birthday. Would be nice if I could present it to him then. But quality first so I will try not to rush it too much. If the decals won't work then it'll become a later date anyway.
The "Pledge Extra Protection wax vloer" worked perfectly. A pitty Ithe decals were slightly green in the transparant parts which minimised the effect. Now I don't have silvering, but greening around the images :( But I decided to use the original ones, keeping tho model as close to the original intent as possible. But the aircraft has a nice slightly shiny appearance du to the wax. I might do another 1:48 Stuka next time as I have the paint for it already, but then I want to do a better kit and try to make it more historic accurate. Although I think I did the cammo pretty well.

Anyway, here is the result, still has to dry a little bit. I'm right on time as this weekend, my father-in-law will have his birthday. I'm quite proud of myself actually. I think I made it as good as I could with the means I had. But of course it could be better (other decals would have made the difference) but that must wait untill next time. Thank you all for your support.
Sure looks decent for a first build :). As far as silvering and decals goes, the gloss coat seems to have done the job.

What can say about the decals themselfs, not even the best gloss coat can fix shot decals. The carrier film of the decals is severely yellowed (this happens as time goes by and there is little you can do about it really) What sometimes reduces this is to tape them to a window in the sunshine for a few days to kind of sun-bleach them. This sometimes reduces the yellowing a little bit, but in all honesty I probably would have tried to get my hands on some after market decals or piece something together from the spares box since they also appear to be out of register in a big way (the fuselage crosses look particularly funky). Also, you could have tried to cut off some of the excess carrier film. This would lead to a little extra work in terms of placing the decals, but the yellow-greenish effect would not nearly be as visible.

But oh well, one step at a time and you'll see improvement on your next build, so keep it going :)
your fault, guys. Your help made it so pleasant I want to do some more. So I'll charge the next kit on your account :lol:
Nicely done Marcel and glad the new solution worked. We used to have a product called 'One Go' but this also diapered off the market some time ago. It is supposed to be coming back midyear but under what name…………………..will have to do some experimenting as well as and when the new product arrives.
good on ya Marcel, great effort mate!
Thanks Wayne.
I'm planning to do another Stuka later this year, after all I already have most of the stuff that I need. I want to do a proper model, with a real cockpit and such. But first let's see what the ol' man will say about it. I'll give it to him on Sunday, at least If Inget better from this nasty flu.
Ooops :S Sorry I completley forgot that they call it Pledge here too :D Theres a lemon one (thats like 10-40 cents more expensive) and then theres the cheaper one that does not smell like lemon and is called Pledge Floor Wax with Future. I never liked my models smelling like lemon so I usually get the cheaper one too :D

I'm so happy the model worked out and you were able to find the Pledge :D *dances*

Great job on her, you should do a....Bf-110 Next, or 109 :D

P.S. Were you like my uncle from Austria when you visited the NBA game (he visited a NHL game with me here in Canada when he came for a visit) he said something along the lines of "Ok, so when is the fight starting and is it ok that we are wearing home team colors next to the visiting crowd?" He was shocked that there were no fan fighting during or after the match, even if our home team lost. :D

I couldn't beleive that they fight it out in soccer events in Europe but my Uncle said it was a sure thing if two rivals were playing each other. Am I right on, or am I way off? :D
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I also bought the cheap one. Worked great. Good idea about the bf109 or 110 though, I'll consider it, but I first want to do another Stuka.

Ot: yes it's true they fight over soccer matches here. A few years back, fans of the two big rivals here, Ajax and Fijenoord agreed on meeting eachother in a field and have a go at it. At least one guy died. Pretty stupid eh?
Yeah its kinda silly the fighting but our stadiums are kinda made to prevent fighting and if a fan starts something they throw them out imedietly, so you rarely see any fighting with the fans, also most of the big baners arn't allowed in the stadium unless its down at the first row section where they paid big money and would be peaved if they got kicked out.

We have had streakers, but same thing.

In football I can kind of understand the fan fighting (love for ones team etc) but I don't understand the getting together at a pre-arranged times and beating each other, if you can co-ordinate that well with the other teams' fans then you can sit together or go to the local pub/restaurent together too and have a good laugh. Its cooler when your with a friend whos team just lost and your just sitting at the pub and enjoying the rest of the night. Instead of enjoying the rest of the night with "Buba" in jail :S
Okay, finally bought a new Stuka. After Lucky's demand of siggies I needed another hobby ;) The model I bought is the airfix 1:48 stuka b2. Seems to be more complicated than the other above. Now need to do a cockpit as well. Hope my paint is still usable.
Okay guys, looking at the kit now and indeed it's slightly more complicated. Any ideas on what colors forto use for the cockpit? The kit also comes with acolorscheme for 5Staffel/Stukageschwader 2 Immelman, showing a red-white-green spinner on the prop. Is this correct?


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Okay, quick succesion of posts, but I just found out this kit has missing parts. A part of the wheel is missing, so I stop already before I even started. Someone knows if you can get these missing parts or do I have to return the kit?
According to those who know, Airfix is great about replacing missing parts. As for the cockpit colour, you can't go wrong with RLM66!

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