I have had a number of experiences since being a small child but have learnt that it is best to keep them to myself as people tend to treat it as a joke. Since this is an anon forum there is little for me to lose so here goes. When I was about 5 I saw a headless man walking about the kitchen, when I think about this it makes me laugh because I remember that at the time I just sat watching him with interest as he was looking through the cupboards and I couldn't understand how he ever hoped to find what he was looking for with no head.
Another time I was asleep in my friends living room one night and awoke to find him knelt staring at me from the corner of the room, when I asked him why he was knelt there staring at me like that and was he alright he just faded away, I remember the room was pitch dark but that his apparition was luminous grey. So anyway I decided to go upstairs and check on him, I went into his room and spent some time shaking him violently by the shoulders to wake him up which eventually he did. A few years later he discovered that he suffered from a sleeping disorder that can suffocate you in your sleep.
One night a friend and I were walking down a country lane that had a disputed right of way, the thing was that one of the people that lived along this lane was in the habit of coming out and challenging people over this right of way. On this particular night we saw someone dressed in what looked like a almost luminous grey jogging suit approach us pushing a bicycle and I remember we could even hear the ticking of the bicycles sprocket as he approached us. I remember saying to my friend that we are going to have argument with this person over us walking down here but just as we got to about 10 foot of the man with the bicycle he faded away and at the same time a cat which was stood stationary in front of us let out an ear piercing scream and shot off through the hedge. As I asked my mate if he had seen what I had seen a freezing cold gust of wind powered its way through a thick hedge, this was on a still warm summers night and my mate was absolutely bricking himself with eyes like dinner plates.
I have also known a number of hardened sceptics that have seen things which have changed their minds. There is a pub in Bournemouth that was bombed in the war with heavy loss of life (a thread exists on this forum entitled the Metropole Hotel bombing of something similar). During my youth the pub had changed it's name from the Metropole to the Gander on the Green and none of us knew of it's history, I was a regular in this pub and knew most of the regulars and bar staff some of who would tell of the grey lady. Most people took the grey lady as a joke or wind up, one of my friends was completely adamant that ghosts didn't exist until one night when he was taking part in a lock in and saw her with his own eyes.
I knew another bloke who was a snowdrop in the RAF, he was a very dry and uninteresting character who said that he didn't believe in ghosts but that when he was stationed on this old wartime airfield there was an office that required a 24 hour guard. Most of his fellow snowdrops would hate guarding this office and would do everything in their power to get out of doing so, he said the problem was that sometimes when you were stood outside of its single locked door you could hear a phone ring and a conversation take place, the room was sealed and guarded and nobody could get in or out. The same bloke said there was a disused dispersal area on the same airfield that occasional activity was reported on and that whenever he went to investigate he could never get his German Shepherd to go anywhere near it, the dog would just stand there with the hairs on the back of its neck stood up, growling and bearing its teeth.
Another time I was asleep in my friends living room one night and awoke to find him knelt staring at me from the corner of the room, when I asked him why he was knelt there staring at me like that and was he alright he just faded away, I remember the room was pitch dark but that his apparition was luminous grey. So anyway I decided to go upstairs and check on him, I went into his room and spent some time shaking him violently by the shoulders to wake him up which eventually he did. A few years later he discovered that he suffered from a sleeping disorder that can suffocate you in your sleep.
One night a friend and I were walking down a country lane that had a disputed right of way, the thing was that one of the people that lived along this lane was in the habit of coming out and challenging people over this right of way. On this particular night we saw someone dressed in what looked like a almost luminous grey jogging suit approach us pushing a bicycle and I remember we could even hear the ticking of the bicycles sprocket as he approached us. I remember saying to my friend that we are going to have argument with this person over us walking down here but just as we got to about 10 foot of the man with the bicycle he faded away and at the same time a cat which was stood stationary in front of us let out an ear piercing scream and shot off through the hedge. As I asked my mate if he had seen what I had seen a freezing cold gust of wind powered its way through a thick hedge, this was on a still warm summers night and my mate was absolutely bricking himself with eyes like dinner plates.
I have also known a number of hardened sceptics that have seen things which have changed their minds. There is a pub in Bournemouth that was bombed in the war with heavy loss of life (a thread exists on this forum entitled the Metropole Hotel bombing of something similar). During my youth the pub had changed it's name from the Metropole to the Gander on the Green and none of us knew of it's history, I was a regular in this pub and knew most of the regulars and bar staff some of who would tell of the grey lady. Most people took the grey lady as a joke or wind up, one of my friends was completely adamant that ghosts didn't exist until one night when he was taking part in a lock in and saw her with his own eyes.
I knew another bloke who was a snowdrop in the RAF, he was a very dry and uninteresting character who said that he didn't believe in ghosts but that when he was stationed on this old wartime airfield there was an office that required a 24 hour guard. Most of his fellow snowdrops would hate guarding this office and would do everything in their power to get out of doing so, he said the problem was that sometimes when you were stood outside of its single locked door you could hear a phone ring and a conversation take place, the room was sealed and guarded and nobody could get in or out. The same bloke said there was a disused dispersal area on the same airfield that occasional activity was reported on and that whenever he went to investigate he could never get his German Shepherd to go anywhere near it, the dog would just stand there with the hairs on the back of its neck stood up, growling and bearing its teeth.