Just as we have to distinguish between accuracy and veracity so we must distinguish between ghosts and 'ghostly phenomenon'.
I believe that the incidents reported by members here are genuinely as reported but that does mean that the explanation is correct?
I do not believe in ghosts. There is no reason for ghosts to have clothes and hospitals and battlefields should be knee deep in them but they are not. Thousands of people die in hospitals daily, often in distress and pain sadly. Imagine how many there should be at the sites of concentration camps as opposed to suburban Victorian houses. My house dates back to at least the 18th century but is ghost free as far as I know. As was the 14th century core of another house we lived in for some years.
An article I read said that a "spirit" will mainly haunt an area it was familiar with, ie: it's home, hometown or an area where it spent a lot of time.