Girls and Aircraft - Volume II

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Thanks Matt for pandering to my headset fetish.
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Here are photos showing a friend of my mother. She was an early prewar pioneer aviatrix who eventually became an RAF-ATA pilot before returning to the states to Graduate from Avenger field in Texas as a WASP? she's the blond in the photos named Myrtle Allen Carter. I got these photos off the web so i don't think the permission is necessary as long as there is TWU attribution.,+Myrtle+R.+Allen,+1916-

My mom was crazy about flying after a flying date with one of Amelia Earhart's Mechs. Eddie Gorski in his Jenny (probably out of Teterboro, NJ), she got to know Myrtle (Mickie) Allen and were golf pals after WW2 as I understand it from my older brother.

Beautiful in their own right, they may not be the eye candy of earlier posts, but these are formidable ladies


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Florence "Pancho" Barnes

You may remember her character as the owner of 'Pancho's Happy Bottoms Riding Club", the bar outside Murroc/Edwards Air Force Base in the movie "The Right Stuff". She had quite a colorful career in the early days of aviation before that.

BTW, Does anyone have any idea what the aircraft in the last picture is. Strange one.


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Some Photos of:
1. Kateřina Hlasová, CZAF L-39 Pilot
2. Flt Lt Kirsty Moore, Red Arrows Pilot
3. Major Catherine Labuschagne, SAAF Gripen Pilot
4. Captain Khoo Teh Lynn, RSAF (Singapore) first female F-16 pilot
5. Capt. Betsy Hand, USAF F-16 Pilot


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