Girls and Aircraft - Volume II

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The engine cowl and the gun package look to be identical to the Mk. XVI I have sitting on my desk here. I could be wrong though, cuz it has happened before. And yes Terry, she does look older than 16.
I'm off for a cold shower as I've just had to trawl all the way back to page 18, to delete a set of pics I posted way back then as I didn't have my 'watermark' on and I've noticed a few unscrupulous peeps out there using them on FB and such like.

So I've deleted 'em !

On the plus side, here's is the full set and in a larger format

Took these at the CAF Airsho 2008 (CAF spelling, not mine !). It can very hard, taking photo's !!

I'm off to polish my Mustang in the vain hope that someday....


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There's a new AD out for '51 ground crew, it's something to do with airbags...
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