Great Dorset Steam Gathering

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Senior Master Sergeant
Dec 5, 2008
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Showmens Engines !. These babes are the real eye candy of the Traction Engine lineage. Polished to perfection, powerfull, and normally sporting a huge 'genny' in front of the stack, powered by a drive belt from the flywheel to power things like the Gallopers, Merry Go rounds etc. To see a rank of around 40 odd Showmens engines all gleaming in the sun, is sight to behold. And as for the value ? calculator doesnt go that high !

Back a number of years ago, i was lucky enough to be able to drive some of these beauts. I've driven them all from the Ploughmans engines, through the Showmens and onto the road hauliers. You havent lived until you've been behind the wheel with hand on the reguilator of a full blown Showmans engine. Its one vehicle that absoulutely everyone staop to stare as you chuff by. Beautifull !

My Great uncle used to have a traction engine (just a normal tractor type) and used to open the local show, what you cant photograph is the smell and the sound of the engines and music. Its great, takes me straight back to my childhood.
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Hardly know where to start with this lot Gary. I just think it's amazing that there are people out there who are willing to spend time and money on not only making these magnificent machines work but also storing and maintaining them and then getting them to the shows. For this we should all be thankful I also think all these vehicles on show could partly solves a lifelong mystery I've had as I recall many a road trip with my parents that took us over Salisbury Plain in the late 40s early 50s and the place was littered with wrecked military vehicles. Now I know where they all went.................whipped into people's garages when no one was looking.

What a great day you must have had and for a change it looks so warm and dry, no wonder it was such a long day. They are great stack of pictures my friend and many of them remind me of my long lost youth and bring a lump to my throat. Thanks so much for sharing.

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