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Rockabilly in the Gorbals! That sounds like a very painful, terminal, anti-social disease. And after that comment about the Wil... that thing, Jan better hope the disease terminates quickly!!
Oh, and most of us East of the USA agree that American beer is like making love in a canoe .....
Effin' close to water?

OMG ROTFFL - Thanks to Paul, I just figured that one!!!!!
American beer? Ummmm....what's the best?

American cigarettes ? ( I was going going to say fags but, I think the transatlantic translator may fail...) When I smoked I like Marlboro red
I quit smoking Marlboro Greens 8 months ago!

I sweated blood giving up... I'm not sure that you ever are really cured. Just a choose not to smoke chap.
The UK smoking ban in pubs has helped...

But, I lOVED a few pints of real ale and cigars....



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