AFAIK, turbine engines are the motive force that turns propellers on airplanes. At least that was the case for the King Airs I've flown.
In WWII, the prop was turned by an internal-combustion engine. That IC engine often had additional aspiration via a supercharger or a turbocharger, or occasionally both.
A supercharger runs off a driveshaft powered by the engine itself. A turbocharger is spun up by the exhaust from the engine. Both systems act to compress air going into the cylinders in order to produce more power therein by more complete burning.
Both are indeed miniature turbines, but they are not turbine engines and while they can add power to an internal-combustion engine, they do not power the plane itself. One is a turbine driven by a PTO shaft, and the other is a turbine driven by exhaust-gas efflux, and both only add to cylinder efficiency or pressure, I can't remember exactly. But neither power the plane, they only add thrust to the powerplant itself.