IFR means, "I Follow Roads."
IMC means, "I Might Climb."
VNE means, "Very Nearly Extinct."
ETC means, "Extreme Technical Crap."
The best acronym I ever saw was FASOTRAGRULANT.
I saw it on a sign at Patuxent River Naval Air Station. Even though it sounds like something you might eat in a Yugoslavian restaurant, it turned out to mean, "Fleet Avionics Squadron Operational Training Group Atlantic." Still, it sounds like a curse word from some long gone demented vernacular tongue ...
One of the better signs is coming into Reno Stead airport, "Fosdick Fullfillment." Not too sure what Fos if filling, but it made me laugh all the way to the gate on the way to the races.
Best military acronym I came across was at RAF Laarbruch in the early 1990s. One of the units stationed there was 2 Squadron flying recce Tornados. Like most HAS sites, the 2 Sqn dispersal had a range of hardened and non-hardened buildings, all painted dark green. There was flight ops, the engineering HQ etc...and then there was the TPOT (pronounced Tee-Pot). One visitor asked what TPOT stood for...and the no-kidding answer was That Place Over There. Essentially, it was a leftover building from the wet film recce days which didn't have a real purpose in the digital imagery age. I have to say TPOT fitted the bill rather well as the name for a nondescript, general purpose building